February 15, 2025

NoBUNNY loves you like Jesus!

I saw these little Peeps below on Pinterest.  They come from Detailed Oriented Diva and she includes a free printable for you to make them yourself!  Loved the saying… thought this would be a fun Easter treat for my Faith Formation class… Then, I priced peeps.  They aren’t inexpensive and to give a class of […]

Froggy’s First Kiss – Valentine’s Day Treats!

Happy Valentine’s Day from Teaching Heart!  Do you have a favorite activity you love to do with your classroom on Valentine’s Day?  How about a favorite story?  I love all the Froggy books and Froggy’s First Kiss is always a favorite of mine and kids Prek to 4th grade!!! Go ahead read the story and […]

Trick or Cheesy – Printable to match macaroni…

Did you hear me scream in Target today when I saw these little Halloween shaped macaroni and cheese noodles from Kraft???  Adorable right?  Good enough to eat, but even better for some math fun!!!! You can sort them and you can graph them!  Talk about what you have more of and what you have the […]

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