October 25, 2024

Noah’s Ark Fruit Loop Craft

I finished up a unit with Preschoolers on Rainbows this Friday with a Noah’s Ark day.  I loved the Rainbow theme…  There is so much you can do with a Rainbow.

Rainbow Ideas – Click here!

Rainbow Fish Ideas – Click here!

Free Noah’s Ark printable Pack – Click Here!

I read the book, On Noah’s Ark by Jan Brett, I really like this version for Preschool because sometimes  the story of Noah’s Ark can truly scare preschoolers.  This story is simple in text and has beautiful illustrations.  I add the word God to the story and also discuss the Rainbow more at the end of the story!  It works out perfectly!

We also played this adorable Noah’s Ark game in groups of three.

Preschoolers love this game.  It was easy to play and easy to set-up!

We of course did many activities from this free pack…

 We made these cute Rainbow Ark pictures with half of an nine inch plate, fruit loops, brown construction paper, stickers, and cotton balls.

I thought it turned out cute!  I have done the large fruit loop rainbow in the past.     I wanted to do a small version with less fruit loops and this worked out pefectly.  Three fruit loops in each color.  I only used half a box of fruit loops for 24 kids.  We could eat /play with the rest at snack.

I also attached this poem to the ark picture…

Noah built an ark, oh so big and wide

All the animals hurried to be safe inside.

It kept them dry from the flooding rain,

For forty days and nights.

Until Noah was told to come out again

And see the rainbow bright!

 Lastly we pretended to be on Noah’s Ark with my parachute.   

The parachute has 12 handles so it works perfectly for a class of 12.  We each held a handle and walked in a circle pretending to be animals on the ark.  We made waves in the sea with the Ark. Some of our waves were soft and some of them were rough.  We ran under God’s rainbow when I called out two names.  We wade the rainbow touch the sky by letting it go while we were all pushing it up.  Great way to end a Rainbow themed unit!