February 8, 2025

Rock Around the Calendar at A Kindergarten Tea!

What a special treat to be the presenter at the Bower Hill Elementary School Kindergarten Tea in Peters Township, PA!  The Kindergarten Teachers, the Principal, and the PTA really strive to make this event such a fun and resourceful day for local Preschool and Kindergarten teachers. I am so excited to share the wonderful pictures I […]

MORE Religious Easter Printables!

I know, you are thinking of Shamrocks and Leprechauns TODAY… but Easter is so close and that is what this post is about…  But click here to check out GREAT GREEN MEMORIES  we made last year (which is similar to this year).  I shared different tags for the bunny above here.  I tweaked the tag this […]

Pumpkins, Scarecrows, Spiders, and More!!

Pumpkins, Scarecrows, Spiders, and More – O MY!!!!   I just posted on the Teaching Heart Mailring the following and thought I would share here so you don’t miss any of the goodies on the Teaching Heart Website or the BLOG!!! Hello to my favorite teachers!!!  The ones with a TEACHING HEART!  Thanks for being part […]

I like it… Holiday Hodge Podge 2010 (#1)

What I so love about the blogging world/ website world is all the sharing that goes around over the Holidays.  There are so many wonderful ideas being shared by so many creative people.  Here are some that recently caught my attention!!! Love a fun Count Down!  Here is a great way to Count Down with your Kids! Download […]

Ready For The Holidays Homemade Gifts

I thought I would start posting some craft projects for the holidays. Here are a few from my holidays last year. The last two include free printables for you. I need some fresh ideas, so comment if you have some ideas or good links for me!!! Thanks…I love the computer iron-on paper and I am […]

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