March 13, 2025

Guest Blogging & A FREE Pumpkin Glyph

Today I am a guest blogger at The Organized Classroom Blog.  Actually for the next few months look for me there on the 12th of every month.   If you haven’t spent some time exploring The Organized Classroom Blog, you really must.  Charity, the owner, has done an awesome job on this blog and the Facebook […]

Pumpkins, Scarecrows, Spiders, and More!!

Pumpkins, Scarecrows, Spiders, and More – O MY!!!!   I just posted on the Teaching Heart Mailring the following and thought I would share here so you don’t miss any of the goodies on the Teaching Heart Website or the BLOG!!! Hello to my favorite teachers!!!  The ones with a TEACHING HEART!  Thanks for being part […]

Halloween Rings Learning Fun w/ Free Printables

Yesterday it was fun with macaroni Halloween shapes and today we will have fun with Halloween rings!!! PLUS…. I have four pages of FREE printables to share that go along with the activities.   This week has been full of free printables…  You love em?  You will love our fall Halloween packet then too.  Please check it […]

Trick or Cheesy – Printable to match macaroni…

Did you hear me scream in Target today when I saw these little Halloween shaped macaroni and cheese noodles from Kraft???  Adorable right?  Good enough to eat, but even better for some math fun!!!! You can sort them and you can graph them!  Talk about what you have more of and what you have the […]

September Teaching Heart Treats

OMG, it is September!!!  Where the heck did summer go?  It went way too fast…  but with that said, I LOVE FALL!!!  It’s my favorite season.  So many fun activities one can do in the classroom or at home.  Plus the colors outside and the light nip in the air is wonderful.  Can’t forget all thing […]

October… What are your kids reading this month???

Reposting!  It is October!  I love October… It is usually the perfect month! Not too cold yet in the Burgh and it is just usually pretty with the mums (my favorite flower) and the orange pumpkins against the blue sky. The cool air rocks… still haven’t put on my winter shoes yet or a coat. […]

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