July 26, 2024

Happy New Year

Hey Teaching Heart Peeps.  Thanks for being here in 2014 and now in 2015.  Teaching Heart is in the 16th year of being online.  Each year brings changes; some good and some not so good…  but as God plans and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  Not sure where the site will go in 2015 since I have decided to go back to teaching full time in 2015-16 school year (if I get lucky enough to land a job).  Even if I do not post enough in 2015, there still are 16 years of ideas scattered all through the website www.teachingheart.net and I don’t plan to remove the resource!  Thanks to those who visit the site and a big thanks to those that have purchased products to support it over the years!  Here is my 2015 New Year’s Wish for you…  New Years Wish Teaching Heart 2015

Need ideas for the New Year?  You can find many by clicking here…

Visit us at our store and make the new year shine…  Click here! 

Happy New Year!!!

Colleen Gallagher


Making teachers shine since 1998!!!