July 19, 2024

Teacher Summer Facebook Status…

Are you on Facebook???  Do you LIKE Teaching Heart?  If you do, you may have seen the picture below on the Facebook Page yesterday.   It was a hit…  So, if you did not see it, what do you think?  Have you said anything similar during the summer? Ok, I was asked to rewrite the First Day […]

Teachers Get Summer Off…

I hate hearing people say, “Teachers get summer off!”  because I believe teachers work all summer long!!!  Hours they don’t get paid for…. Please share this image with your friends and invite them to join us on Teaching Heart… Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teachingheart Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/teachingheart1/ Teaching Heart: http://www.teachingheart.net/ The Blog: http://teachingheart.net/blog/ Our Store: http://www.teachingheart.net/primaryteachertimesaver.html Thanks for your […]

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