February 15, 2025

Summer Bucket List and Glyph

The Flip Flop Glyph and Math Themed activities posted yesterday will be a hit in your classroom! –  Click here to see it in our store!!! in 2015 I added a few more printables to go with the glyph and writing activity!  You can view them by clicking here! Here is something else that would be […]

Teachers Get Summer Off…

I hate hearing people say, “Teachers get summer off!”  because I believe teachers work all summer long!!!  Hours they don’t get paid for…. Please share this image with your friends and invite them to join us on Teaching Heart… Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teachingheart Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/teachingheart1/ Teaching Heart: http://www.teachingheart.net/ The Blog: http://teachingheart.net/blog/ Our Store: http://www.teachingheart.net/primaryteachertimesaver.html Thanks for your […]

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