October 25, 2024

Summer Bucket -Filled UP!

Look at that… summer has ALMOST come and gone!  Waaaahhhhoooo, our summer bucket is filled.   I hope your summer with your family was full of fun.  I hope your kiddos had a nice break from school, but still found time to read, write, and draw.  I hope you feel blessed for a wonderful summer.  Our summer was SUPER!!!  I feel so blessed that the kids and I were busy having fun & making lasting memories all summer.  I think I only heard the famous quote of “I’m bored!” only once this summer.  I feel so grateful to God for providing us great company almost every day of the week.  While the kids played with friends, I got to hang out with my mommy friends and watch the kids have a blast.  I am so lucky to have great friends who have wonderful kids that play so well with my kiddos.  O yeah, and I have a wonderful hubby who got to take some time off to share in the summer fun too.   I wouldn’t trade this summer for anything…  We made great memories as a family and with our friends.  Thank you God!

Trips to the lake, many park playdates, fishing with friends, road trips to various pools, library time, Kennywood, Little Gym, Soccer Camp, Princess Camp, VBS (X2), hiking, biking, and so much more has filled our summer bucket.  How about yours, is it full???  If not, hurry up…  not much time left!


Shine on teachers…  If you are headed back to the classroom, file away those summer memories as something to look forward to in a few months.  May your teacher battery be recharged and ready for the year ahead.  May God bless you with good listeners and eager learners.  May He give you the grace to make this year the best yet for those little kiddos He lends to you.

Smile Moms…  A little part of you is excited for the start of the school year.. right??  It’s okay!  Sometimes being with your kiddos 24 hours a day is unsafe.  LOL!  Seriously, enjoy the few hours you may have to get a few things done.  MAy God give you the strength to handle this school year with grace.  May He bless you with many happy memories over the next few months. 

Happy Homeschooling…  Back to the grind you go or continue.  May God continue to bless you with the ability to teach your child well.  May He help you plan wonderful lessons for those beautiful gifts he gave you!

My Personal Friends…  (I think I have four-six that actually read my blog)  May next summer be as fun…  and may winter find us meeting for coffee and dinner dreaming about park days.  

Time to head out on a few more adventures before summer is officially gone.