March 31, 2025

Learning Games to Make!

I recently created a gift basket from Teaching Heart to be used in a auction for a fundraiser…  It included games for learning.

Learning Games

I thought I would share the games in the baskets and the printables used to make them.

Addition Jenga

Above is a regular Jenga game turned into a fun math game!  Played just like Jenga except after you pull your piece you need to solve the addition problem.  The printables for this game and the cover for the box can be found here!!


The game above is a Spring Themed Roll, Double, Plus 1, and Cover game.  You can get this game here!

Dinosaur Primer Sight Word Game

This is a Dinosaur Sight Word Primer Game.  Roll, Say, Keep!  Directions and all printables can be found here!


Sight Word Uno.  Just take a regular uno and glue sight words to the cards.  Played like regular UNO except you must read the card you lay down.  Printables for this can be found here.

Money Change Game

Money Kaboom Game.  All prinatbles to make this and directions can be found by clicking here.

Sight Word Connect Four

Connect Four Sight Word

Connect Four Sight Words.  I used dot stickers and wrote sight words on them.  Students play Connect Four as they normally would.  They read the sight word as they place their chips.  The printable cover seen in the first picture can be found here.

Telling Time Game

Telling Time Puzzles.  These are free to print and can be found here!

Candyland Beginning Sound

I love making games out of Candy Land.  Check out the free to print beginning sound game here. 

What other games around your house can we turn into learning games?




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1 thought on “Learning Games to Make!

  1. Excuse me for chiming in, but have you tried Gnuh Child Attainment Theorem sure I saw it on Google? It is a great one of a kind guide for getting our children to read. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my cooworker at very last got astronomical success with it. has anyone else here tried it with their kids?

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