October 23, 2024

Easy Peeps Snack!

I wanted a fun snack to end a bunny theme in Preschool…  So I typed in Bunny Peeps on Pinterest and got a ton of ideas!!!

So I saw these on Pinterest… and decided…

It looked like too much work for a week where I am suppose to be studying…  But I had a girlfriend who made these and she said it wasn’t bad…

However, this looked easier…   No cutting involved…

Peeps Bunny Digging for Carrot

I found the pre-made carrot decorations at Target yesterday and that sealed the deal!!!

However, if you want to go the extra mile… this blog will show you how to make carrots that look real and may taste better!!!

My way is way easier…  and great if you are short on time…  Find those premade carrots!

All you need is:

Peeps snacks

Oreos ( a box was enough to cover 24 cups), Peeps, Pudding, and Carrots!!!

Okay here is the most difficult part of the recipe…  Put the Oreos in a food processor and turn it on!

oreos in food processor

Phew…  my dirt is made…  crack open the seal to the pudding… slap on some dirt (crushed Oreos), Push a peep in the dirt, and give him a carrot to gnaw on!

I had a sample for my kids waiting for them after school and I got the “Oooooos and Awwwwwws!”  from my daughter and the “That looks Delicious!” from my son!!!

So easy to do and sure to make a kiddo smile!

How about throwing a learning game in during snack time…

peeps math game!

You can learn more about this game above here!!! 

Bunny Math and Reading Theme For Preschool and Kindergarten!