February 27, 2025

There’s a Tree in your Heart? (Giveaway)


I bet you did not know you had a tree in your heart?  Yep, we all do!  I’ll explain…

I love a book that makes you feel good (bucket filler)  and inspires you to be the best person you were meant to be!  The Climbing Tree is a Children’s book that does just that – inspires us to be the best version of ourselves.    The Climbing Tree is written and illustrated by classroom elementary teachers from the Pittsburgh area.  The 30 paged book with beautiful illustration on every page is written in poetry form.  The first page starts out with, “Inside your heart, my dearest child, Is the most extraordinary climbing tree.”   The illustration on the page show a beautiful tree encircled in a heart.  The story goes on to tell the reader through the poem that they are unique, with special talents and interests!  The poem explains that a Climbing Tree is found in all hearts, it is something you cannot see, and you just feel it and should imagine it as your journey through your life.  The book positively shares that each of us has a trail in our life that we follow based on each decision we make time after time.


 Page nine shows the tree wrapped in the word humility, love, pride, trust, and hope.  The text states; “The trunk of our tress is the foundation, Layered rings of beliefs that hold you strong. Be it your faith, outlook, or profession, Beliefs agree with your internal song.”    The Climbing tree goes on to tell the reader to use their morals, instincts, and talents to make wise choices.  It states that “The choices you make will accumulate, And, overall, make life worse or better.”   The book shows the reader that only their choices control their life and the right choices ultimately lead to a happy life.


I would recommend this book to be read to grades four and up.  There is a wonderful opportunity for teachers to use this poem to discuss making correct choices in life.  “Where will your choices take you on your climb today? How can you contribute your talents and interests to our beautiful world, and in return, find your own success and happiness?”  It also includes many words that could be used in a vocabulary discussion /lesson.  A great book to add to a poem unit!  I myself plan to share the book as a gift to give a graduating senior.  It will make a wonderful graduation card!

Here’s another idea to give along with it! 

You want to win yourself a copy???  Here’s your chance below.  Use the raffle copter to enter.  I will pick a random winner from all the entries on Tuesday, March 26th!  Monday is the last day to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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