October 15, 2024

Super Improver Board – Frog Theme!

A few weeks ago I blogged here about how I used a Super Improver Wall  all year in second grade last year.   Click here to read how I use the wall!

This year I am teaching third and I changed my theme to frogs.  Frogs and the colors blue and green!  My Super Improver Walls and my WBT Frog Themed Rules are up in third grade and I wanted to share how they look in my classroom.  You can get both the rules and the wall here!  They are in PDF and Power Point (so you can change them to your liking).


It’s hopping – right?  It’s no work for me all year.  The cards are up.  I just teach my kids to remove the ring and then tear off their card to reveal their new level.  They love this and are motivated by it!!!  You can purchase my WBT frog theme here!

Below are my rules next to my calendar set-up.  The rules posters come with the set as well!  The first week of school I will teach my class how to recite these rules.  If you are interested in the hand motions, please go to youtube and type in Whole Brain Rules.

20160819_131536I love the blue and green – It calms me!!!  I have had people stop by my classroom and ask where I got all that green stuff???  LOL!

You can purchase my WBT frog theme here!

Below is my reading focus wall.  I have to shout out for this one…


The District I am working for this year is starting to use a new reading program.  They are using Wonders.  I used Benchmark last year and was in the same situation…  I was newly hired and everyone was learning the new reading series.  Same story this year!  Ugh!  Although the series looks great and is full of resources.   I am excited about it!!!

So, I wanted a focus wall for ELA.  I made the headers and the rest of the resources I purchased.  So if you use WONDERS… you will love these resources!

original-2039205-1Reading Wonders Focus Wall- Third Grade by Sweet Tooth Teaching – click here for the set!

Her Blog is Wow – Click here to visit it!

I need to explore her Reading Wonders Stuff more… It looks fab!

If you like Classroom Reveals – See hers here!


original-1967595-1Reading Wonders Grade 3 {Unit 1 Bundle} from Teaching in Paradise!

Her blog is awesome too – Click Here!

I cannot thank her enough for this resource.  It will be so helpful to me!