March 30, 2025

Mystery Writing Craft!!!



Here’s a perfect writing craftivity to go along with the Mystery Genre. I used this activity with my second graders in guided reading groups. Each group read a Cam Jansen mystery together. To summarize their story, they each created a top secret case file. That included clues they found while they read, a summary of the mystery, a magnifying glass showing a visualization of the story, and a detective card with their picture and thumb print. This file set includes all the materials you will need to create a top secret case file with each of your students.

We added pictures to the files.  I created a detective card and added students pictures to the card.  One of my fellow second grade teachers had DETECTIVE hats they kids could wear while they read.  She also had a trench coat as well and a large magnifying class.  The files turned out so adorable and the kids loved creating them!!!

Click here to learn more about the set!


What’s in the set? Click here to learn more about the set!
Just provide a manila file folder and then use the materials in this set…

-2 student examples for your reference
-2 Detective Case File Forms (Girl and Boy Version)
-Magnifying glass (have students illustrate a scene from their story)
-Top Secret Stamp clipart to cut and place on finished file folder.
-Case Closed Sticker to cut and place on finished file folder.
-Blank detective cards—you can add students picture and their name. Use the blank square and stamp the student’s fingerprint.

Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how
to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.
Recall information from experiences or gather
information from provided sources to answer a question.

You will find this set on TPT…  Click here to learn more about the set!

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