February 17, 2025

Bakery Math Center Dice Game

Guess what???  Yep, another free printable from Teaching Heart’s Primary Teacher Timesaver January Through June Set.  Have you bought yours yet or checked out the 100’s of files on the set yet?  What you waiting for, click here to learn more.  THANKS!  🙂

Below is a Bakery Center (1 of the 100’s of files in this set).  Below you get all the printables needed for this center.  Just supply two dice.

I glued the menu to the inside of a file folder.  After I printed the center sheet, I laminated the sheet.  This way a student can use a dry erase marker on the center and erase for another student to use.  Or if you would rather, just print out both sheets for your students to work with.

Student rolls two dice and looks on the menu to see what items they will buy based on their roll.  You see in the picture above the student rolled a 4 and a 1.  So they are purchasing a cake for $1.75 and a cupcake for a dollar.  They write all of these details on the chart and then add up their total.  They do this five times and then answer the questions at the bottom of the sheet!   Great functional use of a learned skill, if I do say so myself!!! 

You can download the Math Bakery Center (1-2) here!

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