February 17, 2025

Easy and Effective Behavior Management System!

Tired of clip charts, need a new behavior management system for your classroom that is easy to use and set-up?

I have never been a big fan of clip charts.  I have tried them in various classrooms and they worked ok, but I always forgot to have students move clips up.  I felt they were more of a pain then a way of encouraging good behavior.  However, I have made them for friends and even sell them in my store.  Some of my best friends use them and love them.  Over the last two years I have been reading all I can on Whole Brain Teaching and my ideas in this system stem from the layout of some of the Whole Brain Strategies.   The system I am going to share today is my tried and true system that I have used in many first, second, and third grade classrooms.  It works wonderfully and it is easy to use and set-up.  You can get this system by clicking here!


Most recently, I used this with a third grade class and it worked wonderfully. My students are well behaved and on task when I use this system! They really enjoy the structure of the program. I want to share how I use this plan with you and the printables you need to create this resource in your classroom.   It includes two parts:

Mystery Star Student System and Fun Friday Award System Using the Whole Brain Teaching Scoreboard System.

Both Systems are explained to you in the set. I suggest you use both of these systems together.

Mystery Star Student focuses an individual student behavior and encourages students to stay on task just in case they are the star student.  It involves minimal set-up.  You will need to put together a jar and purchase craft sticks.  All printables needed to run this part of the system are included.  Also, my directions and set-up of the system are also found in the set!

Mystery Star Student Behavior Management Made Easy

The display below is also explained in the set.  All printables to make all items seen in this post are found in the set!

Mystery Star Student Strip of Fame!

The second part of my system focuses on whole class behavior and is modeled after the Whole Brain Teaching Scoreboard.  I explain it is more detail in the set.


In this set I explain how I to use the printables in the classroom. All you have to do it read about the system to understand it. I believe it is very easy to start-up and understand. A few items to print and laminate and you are ready to go. When I took on a long-term substitute third grade position, I created these printables and had them printed and ready to go in less than an hour. That includes the time to laminate and cut! So if you are in a pinch—this should make you happy!!!

Fun Friday Board for Behavior Management!

Here is a break down of what the pages in this behavior management system include!!!

Page 5 and 6— My Mystery Star Student System is explained here. Page 7—Printable Cover for your Mystery Star Student Jar.
Page 8—Star Student Award Card Printable. Page 9 and 10 —Mystery Star Student Strip of Fame Printable
Page 11 and 12—Star Student Rules Display Page 13—Numbered Stars to place on the sticks you will place in your Mystery Star Student Jar.
Page 14— Write your students names on this sheet so you know what numbered star goes with what student!
Pages 15, 16, and 17 – My Fun Friday Star Scoreboard Explained. Links to resources included!!! I also share how I use this part of the system as a substitute. Basically the same method just used in shorter spurts.
Page 18—Smiley Star Scoreboard Page 19—Frowny/ Sad Star Scoreboard
Page 20 and 21—My Fun Friday Minutes Earned Printable DisplayStar Student Card


Star MenuI hope this set makes your life easier, your students happier, and your classroom more productive like it did mine!!!

To learn more and to purchase, click here! 


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