March 15, 2025

Bunny Loves You and Carrots Too!

I have been working on a bunny unit all month with my favorite Preschool kids!!!   I just posted my unit in my stores.  Click here to learn more!!!

I plan to share a few bunny themed ideas over the next few days!

This week we had a bunny visitor come to the classroom.  My co-worker happened to have a bunny!  The kids loved having her bunny visit.  Such a friendly little guy!

wpid-20140321_115248.jpg Chip the Bunny

One thing Preschool has taught me over these past two years…  I can touch almost any animal and act fearless when faced with a bunch of Preschoolers watching my every reaction.  Last year I faced my fear of bugs and this year I freely held this guy…  well this was a little easier than the cock roaches from last year!

Poor Chip….  he had a little too much PRE-K love from the AM class…  By the time PM got there, I learned my lesson and we did one at a time touches.

Bunny Love

We learned that bunnies really do love carrots and they really do have fur that feels like a cotton ball.  Chip ate half a carrot while he visited!

Here’s a fun handprint craft we did a few weeks ago!  Bunny Handprint craft!We painted two fingers and our palm white.  We placed it on a blue piece of paper with the title, Some Bunny Loves You and Carrots Too!  We painted a carrot with carrot paint.  The kids added carrot shreds to orange paint.  We cut out our carrots and glued them next to our handprint.  Once the handprint dried we added pink to the ears, a nose and eyes, and drew on a mouth.  We added some cotton!   All the templates for this craft can be found here!!! 

Bunny Handprint Craft

Some Bunny Loves You and Carrots Too Craft

Didn’t they turn out cute?

Speaking of carrots!!!  We used real baby carrots as a marker for a game we played!!!

Bunny Carrot Dice Game - Groups of 10 ten.

It’s a bunny dice carrot game.  The object of the game is to be the first to collect 10 carrots for your bunny.  The game can be printed from this set!!!  Be sure to use real carrots as markers for extra fun!!

Stay tuned for more bunny fun learning!!!

Visit our Spring Page for even more fun learning – click here

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