My first grader was having a hard time counting change… but after a few hours of practice – she has the skill mastered. She loved these riddle sheets I made for her. She would finish one and ask for another. She loved the reward of finishing the counting of the coins with a solved riddle. She loves to draw so she was excited to see what the riddle would have her illustrate. I have a free sheet for you to download and try out below… but if you like it an want the set – click here.
To download the preview and this sheet below..
Click here to download a Money Riddle Activity Sheet
If you liked the preview sheet and want the rest of the set – you can get it here!
Thanks for stopping by!
thanks – glad you like. MY first grader wants me to make more!
This is fun for anyone who is looking for a fun way to practice counting money with their kiddos.