October 27, 2024

Merry Christmas Hodge Podge

Merry Christmas to all my readers!  Thanks for being here!  I hope you are feeling the Christmas Spirit…

Just a hodge podge of Christmas pictures!!

Aren’t this Santa Hat Brownies Cute?  A mom made these for a snack at my daughter’s Daisy Troop.

I had hoped to do an adult Gingerbread party this year – like last year…  but this year kicked my butt.  Better luck next year.  I did  make 14 Gingerbread houses out of Graham crackers for my daughter’s friends.  I used my glue gun to put the frame of the houses together this year. The girls had a blast decorating… see…Pretty little houses!

Yes, I made cookies this year and shared them!

Yeah, forget the milk… bring on the wine and cookies.

That’s me on the fault line in San Francisco… made it there in December all the way from Pittsburgh to attend my Grandmother’s Funeral…  This will be my first Christmas where I do not have any living Grandparents alive.  I lost both my Grandparents in 2012.

My favorite part of the Holiday… is my little family.  A precious moment between my husband and daughter.  She’s a lucky girl!

Unfortunately, I feel guilty getting in the Christmas mood this year because my thoughts constantly race back to the poor families of Sandy Hook…  Still praying for you and lighting many candles.   May God look after you this Christmas and always.  I wish there was something I could do in my little world to help the Sandy Hook families… all I can do is pray and I will keep that up!

If I do not make it back to bloggy world before Christmas (it’s looking like it will probably be that way), Merry Christmas to you all…