March 10, 2025

Don’t forget the Crow in Scarecrow!

Three Fridays of Scarecrow fun down and 1 to go!   Scarecrows are fun to learn about – but so are crows!!!!   Don’t forget to have some fun with the crows.

We started off with two of my favorite crow books…

The Adventures of Top Hat Crow – Such a cute story about a crow who just wants to do what he wants. The illustrations are adorable and the story goes perfectly with a Scarecrow Unit. It is written by a former teacher and as a result the text tells a story as well as teaches a lesson. I am always looking for books with crows as the main character when discussing scarecrows with students. This book is about a little crow who really should have listened to his mommy and daddy. When he doesn’t listen he ends up in a great deal of trouble. The story ends happily but the crow learns that mommy and daddy make rules for their children to keep their children safe. Perfect read-aloud for PreK, Kindergarten, and First Grade!

Six Crows – Amazon says, “While a farmer tends his field of wheat, six hungry crows watch and wait in a nearby tree. When the wheat ripens, the farmer builds a scarecrow to frighten them off, but these ingenious crows are not so easily scared. Bringing this original fable to life with brilliant collages, Leo Lionni deftly draws parallels between animal and human behavior that children can readily appreciate. And once again he shows us that compromise can work magic.”

Then some fun with crow poems.  Here is one I wrote to go along with a craft.  (pick out words that rhyme)!

A hungry crow came to visit the students today.
The happy students offered the crow some hay.
But the crow flew away!

From the sky the crow cawed, “Corn is all I want to eat!”
They knew that they must color the crow something sweet.
So, they each quickly made the crow a treat.

“Corn, Corn, Corn!” the crow happily cawed, “This is the best!”
The crow then declared, “I am full and ready to rest. “

After we went over the poem about the crow, we made our own crows with corn.   (you can download the pattern for this craft here)

—- crows all shiny black,
Sat on a scarecrow’s back,
Eating some most delicious corn … yum yum!
Scarecrow winked and shouted “Boo!”
Scared one crow and away he flew,
Now there are — black shiny crows, caw caw!

  Here is a lift the flap book that is free to print here!

We hunted for crows (Black beads), Pumpkins, and leaves in the fall sensory tub.

Many of you were asking about the kids tweezers you see in my sensory bin.  Here they are on Amazon:

 The sorting sheet is found here.

The kids also loved pretending to be crows.  Children stood around me and walked around me pretending they were crows…  when my arms came out they would sit down and hide…  Repeat – they probably could have done this forever…

We also had lots of fun putting the correct number of crows in the pocket chart.  This printable comes from the Scarcrow Packet – click here.  Or save BIG!!!

You can get the bundle here at ejunkie (CLICK HERE) or here at TPT (CLICK HERE).

Teaching Heart Fall Bundle of Printables

 For more scarecrow ideas and printables – click here!

Jesum Crow – I am tired!  Getting use to pre-k is tough work.


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