March 10, 2025

Chicken Boy Review and Giveaway!

Chicken Boy, The Amazing Adventures of a Super Hero With Autism  is a book that should be on the shelf of all Teachers and parents with an Autistic child.  Having been a Special Education Teacher for three years who worked with kids on the Autism Spectrum, I can say that books that dealt with social situations and Autism in general were often some of the only ways that some Autistic children could grasp a concept or lean about a social situation.   This story is one of those stories that WILL reach every child.   Chicken Boy, should be shared with Autistic children as well as shared in the general classroom.   Most classes today have at least one child on the spectrum and Chicken Boy will help open a discussion on differences.  I suggest it be read in grades Kindergarten through Fourth grade.  Gregory Allen does an excellent job of getting inside the head of an Autistic child.  Chicken boy has super powers; but his greatest power is being able to show people that you do not need to be afraid of someone because they do things differently than you do or look and act differently.

The text is easy to read and the illustrations by Dennis Culver are excellent.  Children can relate to the other children portrayed in the story because they look realistic.  The moral of the Chicken Boy story is very important; “Just take time to get to know me.  Maybe you can be a Superhero with me.”  After reading this book you will be saying, “Bahcaaaaaah!!!” and feeling like a Super Hero yourself.

Click Here to Order Your Copy on Amazon!

(The Author Gave me Two Free Copies of This Book To Review) – CONTEST FINISHED>   THANKS!

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