February 17, 2025

Ankle Surgery ORIF Part 1

Diary of a broken leg/ankle survivor – to quote one of my favorite movies…   Day By DayBy Day!

(My Hope is that my story will help someone, who like myself, spent hours searching the Internet for advice and other experiences dealing with life after ankle surgery…  If google brought you here…  I can relate!!! ) 

On the morning of August 21, 2012 I dislocated my ankle while getting ready to host a back to school party for a few of my kids friends.  I was out setting up a back to school scavenger hunt in my yard with my phone clipped to my belt.  I came around the side of my house in the grass with orange flip flops on and slipped on the grass.  As my body was twisting and heading down I heard and felt a loud crack.  As I was heading to meet the ground my mind automatically went to the thought, “crud, I don’t think I will be running for exercise this week.”  When I hit the ground both my feet were in front of me.  I don’t recall if I landed on top of my feet I just remember them being in front of me.  When I looked down at my left leg and foot I was quite shocked.  My foot was disconnected from my leg.  Luckily the leg bone was not protruding from the skin.    I immediately started to shake and remembered that I had my phone attached to me.  I called a few friends, my mom, my husband, and 911 since there was no way I could move… my foot was not connected to my leg.   Soon a few neighbors and friends were in my yard; helping me and gathering my two children.  I was able to rest my leg on a pillow until the local Ambulance arrived.  The wonderful EMT’s lifted me onto a stretcher (probably one of the most painful experiences of my life – although it lasted about five seconds).  Once in the ambulance, the morphine began flowing.  At this time I was feeling the pain but very comfortable.  Comfortable enough to take this picture.  No, that is not swelling that is the bone trying to escape my skin!  It looks a lot better in the picture than it did in person. 

The doctors were all amazed that the bone did not come through my skin.  Looking back and thinking of the many blessings that God gave me that day; this is definitely one of them.  If that bone would have gone through my skin…  I know I would have passed out on the grass and would never have been able to use my phone (another blessing) to call for help and 911.  My friends (biggest blessing) would have found me on the grass when they arrived 45 minutes later for the party.  Thank you God for your mercy!  Back to the cell phone…  You know those commercials in the 90’s where the old women falls and says, “Help, I’ve Fallen and I can’t get up!”?  She has on a little clip with a button she can push to call for help.  That was my cellphone with the Otterbox Clip attached to my shorts.  Wear your cell phone at all times.  You never know when it may save your life or at least get you out of pain more quickly. 

Once I was at the hospital many more drugs were given and painful x-rays were taken.  My mom and husband stayed by my side for the hospital festivities.  My kids were safe at home with some of my good friends and their kids..  They even went on with the party.  Finally a team of doctors made what seemed like a football play to relocate my ankle.  I do not remember any pain when it was relocated.   I was pretty drugged up.  I just remember the nice ER nurse telling me to put my head back and then she said it was done….  I looked down and no longer saw this…  I saw what looked like a normal leg and foot.  My first thought, “I will be able to walk out of here! It feels so much better!”   Those drugs do great things…  Soon the doctor was back and explaining that I had broken both bones in my lower leg, broken my ankle, and done some tendon and nerve damage.  I would need surgery where they would need to insert 1 long plate, 10 screws to attach the plate, and one large nail…  oooo, five days before my 37th birthday and I was going to be getting some bling as an early Birthday present.  LUCKY ME!!!!!  
I would have surgery in a few hours because another blessing…  I was too busy getting ready for company that all I had in my stomach was COFFEE…  no food to digest.  Last time I ate was the night before. 

This was my first ever surgery.  I was excited!!!  NOT!!!   Actually I think the wonderful anesthesiologist may of knocked me out earlier than needed so I would stop asking her; “Now, I am not going to feel or remember the surgery, right?”    I think the last thing I recall is asking the question and kind of looking at her thinking… this medicine is not working I am totally awake.  Next thing I know after a 2 hour surgery by Dr. Welker, I wake up crying and the feeling that my leg was on fire.  The nurse was there and kept asking me why I was crying and I kept saying, “I don’t know.”   The surgeon told my husband that the surgery went well and that my leg bones were strong and the plates and screws held well.   I stayed overnight at the hospital unable to get out of my bed till the next morning…  I HATE Bed Pans. 

August 22 – The next morning the PT and OT met me.  The OT showed me how to use the crutches and how to get up and downstairs on my bottom.  That was an eye-opener.   “So, this is how I am going to get around for six to 12 weeks.  What an idiot, what the heck was I thinking…”  Let the self pitty party begin.  I think dealing with feeling bad for myself and then listening to my inner voice telling me think of all the people who have it worse than you and you are crying about this little hurdle, you should be ashamed of yourself and more thankful of what you do have – that was the hardest part of the first few days of recovery.  “Poor me, but o, wait… what about the people that loose legs and use wheel chairs all their life?”  I would beat myself up for having pity parties for myself.

All was clear for my release from St. Claire Hospital until the nurse took my vitals and I had spiked a fever of 100.1.  I might not be going home today!!!   Shoot me now!   My doctor gave the ok to go home and watch the fever at home and return if it hit 101.00 or higher.  The fever remained for about three days and finally disappeared around the 27th!   I  guess they say you can spike a fever because your body is not use to the foreign hardware that is now inside of it.  

First Week of Recovery –
First two days home were hard.  I won’t lie…  It sucked!   I am a very independent person, a runner, a mother to two wonderful children, and a doer….   I felt like all these gifts were pulled out from under me.  I could not be that person I was on the 21st before the accident.  I am a big believer in positive thinking and praying often.  I kinda forgot about those parts of my personality for two days.  I was angry at myself, a little at God, and I was just sad for my kids. 

The minute I got home and tried to navigate the front stairs up to my house with assistance was an eye-opener for me.  I couldn’t do it.  So into the basement stairs we go…  I went up on my bottom and realized that this exercise seen at http://www.redbookmag.com/health-wellness/advice/dips-arm-exercise#slide-8 (Place your hands on the edge of a chair, fingers facing forward, arms straight. Lift your hips off the edge, keeping your abs in tight. Bend your elbows, lowering your butt toward the ground, then push back up, straightening your arms as you extend your left leg forward, as shown. Repeat, kicking out with the other leg.)   I really should have done these everyday had I known this would happen.  It would have helped me fly up and down stairs…  but my exercise routine lately has been running 12 miles a week with no strength training.  Who has time, it is summer!   O, how I wish I would have known.  You should do these!!!  We should all have strong upper bodies.

I also realized that probably the less weight you carry the more easily it would be to deal with a leg injury like mine.  So I vowed no treats and keeping my calories at 1,300 a day till I am mobile again.  I really can’t afford to gain weight and lugging any extra around just kills me to think about. 

O, yeah…  I am a mom who has young kids who will be starting school after the weekend…  that hit me too.  How will I get them  to the bus?  How will I make their lunches on crutches (you can’t carry a thing when you are on your crutches)?   How will I get up the stairs in the AM to wake them up for the day?  Luckily, my husband (which takes the vow in sickness and in health better than I could) has helped me with this first week.   He is amazing.  We have a routine down.  He packs their lunches (he has never done that in the five years of our son’s school years).  He gets their snack ready and is almost thinking about going to a PTA meeting so he can debate the Peanut free snack time rule.   He can’t stand that a 4th grader has to have only certain snacks they can bring to school mandated by the school.  LOL!!!  It never really bothered me.  

Showering is fun too!  We had to buy a chair for the shower and my husband has to assist me into the shower at first when I was having a great deal of pain.  He had to hold the shower head and rinse me.  UGH.  I have progressed and now he just has to set me up in there and then I can do it on my own.  We are lucky to have a bath tub with detachable shower head.    I have one of those shower caps for your legs…  but my leg hurt too much to get it on.  I found that putting a kitchen garbage bag on the leg and wrapping the top with a towel works best.  I hang both legs over the shower and sit on the chair to shower.  Love the chair…

August 27th – I am 37 today.  I feel like I am 67.  What the heck?   My body is tired and I am already tired and frustrated with my new way of life.   The pain is still there but I am now weaning myself off of the Percocet.   I am not a fan of pain meds.  They hurt my belly and make me cranky and tired.  So it’s my Birthday…  It should have really sucked but many people tried their best not to make it suck!  My girlfriend stopped in the AM before work to give me some Starbucks and a hug.   Four of my favorite girlfriends brought over lunch and sat and chatted with me.  They brought me magazines, wine, flowers, and coffee too.  I know, I have the best friends…  Later in the afternoon my neighbor came by with an Edible Fruit Basket.  Those are the BOMB!!!   My parents and brother along with my kids and husband came over for dinner prepared by a friend.   My husband gave me a trip to the spa to use when I am better.   Towards 8:00, I totally forgot it was my Birthday and had had enough and ordered my kids to bed.  I had forgotten we had not had cake and icecream…  O, It’s my birthday.  Hmmm???

So today is August 31st – I am very lucky…  The pain has stopped except for the throbbing and shooting shocks here and there.  I have gotten somewhat better on stairs but still need assistance.  I seem to be getting stronger pulling myself up onto a chair once at the top of the steps.  I am practicing this in hopes I can do it independently and thus walk my kids to and from the bus.  It’s the little things now that would make my day – you know the things we take for granite.  For now, I have wonderful neighbors who get my kids on and off the bus and safely home. 

I also am extremely blessed with wonderful friends and family.  I have not had to cook one meal since I returned home.  My friends took up a list and I have been getting meals delivered since the day I got back from the hospital.  (You can see a sampling above of me being spoiled)  We have eaten very well.  My husband will be very sad when this stops in a week or two.  I also have wonderful friends and neighbors that fill my days with visits, texts, and calls.  This first week home alone has not been lonely at all.  A few of my friends even stopped over one day and brought lunch!   My neighbor brought me a bagel and coffee one AM.  Hmmmm… and I thought I would be getting a lot of Teaching work done???  So far, I have done more socializing than working.  All the treats from my friends and family have also brightened my day.  From flowers to edible fruit baskets…  I am SPOILED!   If you are a personal friend and are reading this… wow!   You have heard this story 100 times and you make it this far.  I love you and God made you great!  Thanks for showing me a little glimpse of him in your kindness. 

Crutches blow…  I am use to running miles on a run and these things tire me out just walking around the house.   Not to mention you cannot carry a thing when you are walking with crutches.    Someone needs to invent cup holders and trays for these things.  I even found myself online trying to find out if such a thing existed.  People on ETSY do make these things…  Great ideas people!   I did buy crutch accessories online that are must have.  One is a carrier that attached to your crutches so you can carry something from one place to the other and the other is fancy padding.   LUCKILY, I found my superhero!!!  He’s black and has wheels – MY COMPUTER Chair.  I can wheel myself around the kitchen on the thing and get the kids lunches made, get dinner dished out, wash dishes, and even bring my coffee from the pot to my desk.  Can’t do that with crutches!!!   Very thankful for my computer chair – I really would be a total frustrated mess without it.  I really should give it a name.  Any ideas? 

If you have broken your ankle/leg get a chair with wheels so you can move things around and do little things like load the dishwasher, wipe down counters, make your kids lunches…  There are many cheap ones you can get on Amazon from 40 to 100 bucks. It is worth it!!!  Click here to see some chairs! 

September 4th – Tomorrow will be my first post opt. appointment.  I am nervous.  I am being realistic and know I probably still won’t be able to drive and still won’t be able to weight on my left leg for a few weeks….   But I am anxious to see how things are healing and to ask some questions…

Why does the top foot from my ankle to my toes often feel like pins and needles are in it?  Also, the shocking pain…  will that ever go away? 

When can I expect the swelling to stop?  If I have my foot non-elevated for more than 15 minutes, it starts to swell.  Is that still normal at this stage?

I want to drive…  When do you think I can do that?

Exercise…  when can I start?

PT – when do I start?  Can I go to the one at my gym instead of the one suggested so they can teach me how to use the machines to help my recovery?

Those are a few…

Sept 5th – Just wanted to update you on my Dr.’s appointment since it was good news. Both bones look good and are healing. The hardware is impressive. 12 screws and 1 long plate that cost about $8,000 according to hospital bills (thank goodness for insurance)! Seriously, I could have gotten some serious bling for that price. My stitches came out…  A little uncomfortable but nothing compared to the pain of the break.   I now have two large incisions as reminders… but they are healing well. Yeah!  I am happy to live with those as long as all the rest of the leg and foot resume life as planned. 

I am in a VERY large boot that I can take off to shower and sleep. I can start physical therapy next week for 3x a week for 4 weeks. I start Monday at South Point Bradley Physical Therapy. By the 4th week I should be able to put full weight on my leg. So I will have crutches for a few more weeks. Then hopefully I will go from a limp to a regular walk. It’s a slow process, but I am happy to get it started. Oh, and I can drive next week hopefully to my first appt. for therapy – with the boot. After I saw my left leg today I could not believe how skinny it was. It’s amazing what no weight on your legs for 2 weeks does – my doctor said all the muscle is gone and needs rebuilt. 

Sept. 8th – Life with no hard cast and the air boot that my daughter looked at and said, “wow mommy, you look like a Space Walker.”   The boot is huge and heavy.  I think I look more like Frankenstein.  So, I am allowed to walk on the bad leg with the crutches and like I am walking on glass.  Only 10% of my weight.  I like that I can put a little weight on the thing now.  Getting around is still tiring and you still can’t carry anything.  Sleeping the first few nights without anything on was hard.  My foot is still freaky.  From my ankle to my toes, I am feeling a tingling sensation and it almost feels like I do not have as much feeling on the top of my foot.  My two wounds on the side of my legs still hurt a bit…  My wrist has been bothering me from the crutches…  this is no piece  of cake…  I keep having dreams about walking normal.  My last dream I was teaching a PreK class and walking and jumping with the kids…  O, how I wish!!!   I start teaching on Fridays in October and my wish is no crutches by then. 

A little teacher note:  My daughter brought home a book from library by her favorite author Mo Williams…  She said it reminded her of me.  Yes, my first grader is making a TEXT to Self or is it a TEXT to World connection??? 

 Ha-ha!  Cute right???  Love the book, you can get your copy here! 

INTERNET ORIF ANKLE SEARCH TIPS – Since the day I got home from the hospital, Google was answering my many questions about my ankle…  Recovery questions, crutches tips, exercise questions, diet questions…  I still am googling questions and looking for tips.  One thing I have learned– don’t get too down reading all  the negative stuff out there.  Everyone has a different story and a different way of healing.  You cannot assume you are anything like me or the person’s story you are reading.  Don’t get down because you read that it took someone 2 years to get back to normal with this.  My Dr. told me that one of the biggest ways to recovery quickly is to have a positive attitude and follow your own body.   I just wanted to throw this out there because I think I have read every blog post on ORIF Ankle Surgery and I have cried reading many.  One day I cried from 12 till 4 because I read about a marathon runner who broke his ankle and after 2 years was still having a hard time walking a mile… WHAT THE HECK?   Read information…  but don’t think you will have the same experiences.  Everyone has a different age, body type, break, and doctor.  I am trying my best to stay positive!  It is hard even for myself who is generally a very positive person…  but negative thoughts bring you down… I can do this and so can you.  I plan to come back stronger and leaner – o, and I plan to burn my flip flops when I can run away safely from the fire! 

Click for Part 2!


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61 thoughts on “Ankle Surgery ORIF Part 1

  1. awww. thanks! I wrote the post for that reason… so much about the negative. It truly gets better and it has been about 2 and a half years since my break and I am pretty much back to normal. You will be too! Everything happens for a reason and we learn something from every challenge. Heal well!!!

  2. …….sorry I pressed 'post' before I had finished. Yes, my husband had a life changing experience thrust on him in a heart beat, with two boys aged 2 & 3 thrown in for good measure, he has made me realise that should I go to the pearly gates of heaven prematurely, he will manage just fine. The highs and lows have been challenging, but I'm greatful that I still have another chance to improve mine and my family's life with the encouragement of people like you – Thanks again x

  3. Can I just begin with a huge heartfelt Thank You for taking the time to write your blog, it has given me so much inspiration and confidence to know the 'nightmare' will end soon. It's a temporary glitch and life will resume back to normal with patience. I am 12 days post op after an ORIF and sport two titanium plates and screws after a fall on black ice. Have had great support from my Husband who has had a life experience

  4. I am glad that you posted this blog and that I found it. I missed 3-4 steps 1/31/15 and fractured my right ankle, in one spot and another bone shifted over, Went and saw an ortho on Monday and he said that I would need surgery to have it heal correctly. The pain is not so bad today as it was and I am really nervous about the surgery. I am more nervous about getting knocked out then anything though.. I hope that I will be able to manage any pain I have with something other than the heavy duty pain meds. I am loving having the knee scooter since the crutches scare me ( I am clutzy.. this is how this all happened)

  5. Thank you. It didn't didnt go so bad. I'm in a cast for 3 weeks then into a walking boot. My daughter is due in 4 weeks so as long as she takes her time I will be walking when she gets here. After the surgery I was only in pain for the first couple days and was only taking pain meds at the end of the day if I over did it. That's great to hear about your progress!

  6. O goodness… doing this pregnant and no pain block. I was taking pain meds and the first 48 hours after surgery was still so painful. Ugh! The tingling happened to me too around the same time. I hope you get PT as that helped me greatly… Prayers that you heal quickly! I was roller skating today with my daughter if that makes you see things will be normal again!

  7. Thank you for your post. I am 9 days post-op, dislocated and broken in 3 places. Slipped on the stairs and leg got caught up underneath me. On top of all of this I am 35 weeks pregnant. I had to wait over a week for surgery for swelling to go down. Then after the surgery they couldn't give me a pain block because of the baby, so I spent 2 hours in recovery begging them to just cut off my foot while they slowly increased the pain meds. I can't get around on crutches, but luckily I was able to get a knee scooter. Hubby has been wonderful taking care of me, but I make a terrible invalid. I have my first post-op appointment this week and I'm a little nervous. This was not how I wanted to spend my last few weeks getting ready for our first child. Up until yesterday the pain was pretty much gone, but it started hurting around the incision/hardware and random tingling in my little toes. It is comforting to read your story after all the other things I've been reading.

  8. Wow. That soothes me, hearing that from you. Exactly 1 year before i go back to college. I'm calm now. Thank you 🙂 Your blog is helpful 😀

  9. I had ORIF in my right ankle last december 15 2014.
    This is the first month after the surgery. I just want to know if my foot will return to its original size and will the stiffness be gone?

  10. I have been since my second week been practicing bending foot forward as far as I could and now setting it at 90 degree angle that hurts a little but again I haven't had any pain so I figured no pain no gain. I try to bend my toes n I spread them apart as well and gonna try using a band to. But as far as start walking I'm going to see if I can use a walker not crutches customers I'm scared of them dumb things and I live in South Dakota snow and ice everywhere so I want Lil more balanced things to walk with haha.

  11. OK my story just like yours only just ankle but all same feelings in single mom my kids n bills are my biggest concern. And feeding them n I'm plus size so walking again scares crap outta me so bad. I cry when I think about it ;( I figured stairs out myself I was not going to let them do surgery because I was cared about my kids school and pick up and cleaning n money n omg. And I to was mad at everything everyone and at God to. I slipped on the snow covered grass in my yard I'm now afraid to walk on snow I have ptsd about snow now. And my mom could not be there because she just had knee surgery two before she is only 52 haha n 4 weeks before that her mother had surgery on her colostomy bag. And 3 wks after that my dad's dad had emergency tripple bypass so it's been a long ride haha. I love when I can get out of house now that I have mastered how to get up down my stairs. And crutches I will not use scare me that I'm going to fall forward as I almost have a couple times I did fall getting outta shower and landed on foot for few seconds that was not fun. But weird thing is I have had no pain at all and hardly any when it happened. But after surgery and before non and I had to wait two days to have mine as I did just have dinner before it happen. I shower same way hang feet over. Now I'm rolling my foot on a empty pop bottle and a frozen one to help wake my foot up cuz goes numb from nerves when it swells up. I feel like I can't sit certain ways now because of plate I feel like I'm going to pop it out. N I know mastered cleaning I slide off my couch and spread my legs in a v and have kids get me things I need and scoot across the living room floor n bedroom floor haha n I have a knee scooter which is a must with this makes so much easier to get around and bought toilet seat that's higher so barely have to get down to go. That was life saver cuz mine so low that honestly no lie I sat on my tub and scooted back and would pee and then dump some bleach and rinse tub and told my dad what do I do when I can go number two n they laughed at me when found out what I was doing to get by. So they found me high seat cover. Haha this has been a night mare I'm not one to have people help me I'm the helper and I'm not one people telling me well u should do this or that we'll people with this injury u have to find what works for you. What will make your life the easiest to survive the 6 wks and still feel human. I have two wks left before I hope I get to start walking yay me. I'm scared Shit less though I feel as though I forgot how to.

  12. I am 63, lean and healthy. On my feet 8 hrs a day as a nurse in a busy office. I hike, walk and run. Or I used to… Missed a step and that was it…a trimalleolar fracture, closed, but otherwise bad on 10/5/14. The first 10 days were the worst as far as pain, just awful. I am 16 days post op and have my light cast and much less pain. What I do have is neuropathy and restress leg/foot which is worse at night. I'm determined to be positive and proactive and not fall into discouragement about the future. I have supportive family and friends and rely on prayer and meditation, but, as younger family members would say, this sucks, big time! 🙁

  13. I really connected with your story. I am 60 and broke my ankle for the first time in my life. Like you I am a doer and found the six weeks confinement a real bore. I started to write a book and I am so thankful I did otherwise I would have gone mental. Our house has far too many stairs and I found it very difficult crawling on my bum so I stayed in my room all I managed to do was go to the loo with a walker, crutches didn't work for me, or to the chair by my bed. That's it for 6 weeks tomorrow I get my cast off and I am so looking forward to stand on two feet. I'll never take anything for granted.

  14. Thank you for posting this story. 8 days postop and this is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. All the stories online are frightening. Thanks for this.

  15. Oh I should note that not only did my surgeon say I'd be back to work in 16-18 wks, but told me I did NOT need PT !!! (fortunately my therapist thought differently!) AND, I'd be off crutches in 3 days after he put the walking aircast on (it was almost 3 wks)…this is why I have become so discouraged.

  16. Colleen Fetter Gallagher THANK YOU for your note…I am beginning to think I am just crazy – the doctor's made me think I would be so much further along…and my work (my real job) has suffered so much…out of work for about 10 wks and now on light duty…I hate every one asking me…"so when are you going to be off light duty?"…. like I LIKE being on LD. 🙁 so sad…but – I am looking for my 1 yr anniversary and have even sighed up for a warrior dash to celebrate the 1 yr (it will be 3 wks prior to my aninversary date of the "fall".) Keep posting…we need to all share so we know what the "real" story is …

  17. Well my update at 6 month point: able to stand rithout crutches or stick, with almost full movement in ankle joint but, not full rotation or dorsiflexion, still stiff and uncomfortable first thing in morning and last thing at night. Have had a very stressful few months with all sorts of family challenges and really feel somewhat disabled and depressed about the change in my mobility. 6mobth check up is this weekend so perhaps done intensive physio will move things on?

  18. It takes about a full year to feel somewhat normal again… It is a slow process… But you will look back on it and come out stronger. It has been a year 5 months since my break. At a year I ran my first Tri. It was great because it is only 3 miles run and the biking and swimming are easier on your ankle. I am training for my first half to do in May. My ankle still gets sore after a long… but it isn't bad. You just have to listen to your body. I wish you the best – it only gets better. Wait till you hit a year, you will be amazed at what the body does.

  19. I wanted to thank you for posting your story. I broke my ankle 12/1/13 and never realized how what most people consider a "minor" accident could impact my life. I was non weight bearing for 7 weeks and couldn't do anything for myself. I found myself not drinking too much liquid because getting up to the bathroom was such a chore. Showering was exhausting, getting up and down the stairs on my butt was such a workout. Now I am able to put weight on my bad foot. The heel hurt like hell at first but with repeated pressure it's eased up tremendously. I started PT last week and do my ankle exercises religiously (it does make a difference). I am making progress and am getting there slowly everyday. I still need the crutches to walk, want to keep my stride as normal as possible and not make my limp habit, I can do it better on the crutches. I agree that most of the blogs, posts and such on the internet are very discouraging. Everyone is different, listen to your body and just make up your mind that you are going to work hard and do it! Listen to your Doctor and don't push it past what you're allowed to do, you'll only make the healing take longer. You will get through itI

  20. Hi everyone,
    I also had ORIF R ankle surgery 8/23/2013. A "50" something runner (trail running is my PASSION), mud – runner/competitor – found my "passion". 2 breaks to my fib/now w/6 screws and a plate. 1 break to the tib -2 nice long screws. The recovery has been slow, frustrating and lonely. It is good to read positive feedback. Week 17 and I am still not walking well…1)temporary cast after surgery – 2 wks followed by 2) "real" cast followed by 3)your boot. Crutches were hell…for a doer – it's just not doable. A friend loaned me a wheelchair. GODSEND! finally, insurance paid for knee scooter…YES ! I could move, get food…go to the bathroom…somewhat more mobile! FInally got a few pair of my running shoes on a few weeks ago-but do to REALLY painful bottom of my feet issues (there is a medical term but you know what I mean) – I can only wear one pair somewhat comfortably. I hobble short distances in those shoes. 16-18 wk recovery is not even close. How is YOUR recovery coming along? Please share more…not being to even WALK for 15 weeks has just killed my mental edge…let alone my physical being. 🙁 My goal went from training for my 1st 1/2 marathon to learning how to walk.

  21. I too had a trimalleolar fracture Sept 9. I am an operating room nurse so I knew exactly what was going to happen when I saw the x-rays. It has been a very long 9 weeks. I unfortunately had to have a 2nd surgery to remove a screw that was accidentally drilled too far into my joint space. Of course. After the screw was removed at week 6 I could start PT at week 7. The first 2 weeks went fairly well even could walk a little with one crutch & bare feet ( quite a limp of course). Then I guess I overdid it bc I am now more sore , swollen & have very weird coloring going on. I am now back to no weight bearing. Ugh. I go to dr Wednesday to see what's going on.

  22. I broke my fibula and dislocated my med mal (Rt ankle). Had my ORIF surgery August 12, 2013. Plate, 7 screws and a pin. I had plaster cast over night after relocation of MM, and then removed for the surgery and replaced with "Cyber Boot". Dressing removed August 13, X ray showed all was as they hoped. I am, however, finding the recovery a real challenge. The first few weeks I had to stay with my sister as I live on a first floor apartment, with bathroom on floor above. All was going well, I returned home, slowly coping with stairs (with boot & crutches only) and I started PT (just one a week) but once I started weight bearing (still with boot & 2 crutches) I felt more confident and think I may have overdone it as this week (Week 8) I feel like I've gone backwards! Ankle is swollen and sore, worse than 2 weeks ago. I am a health practitioner, however, I feel really squeamish about the metal work and I'm struggling as I was so active prior to my break. Your diary is so helpful and I too, am usually so positive but this week, my smile is fading and I just wish it hadn't happened at all! 🙁

  23. Hey JAmie – what happened… How did you break? I know, I was exactly the same! It will get better – I promise. Please do not read those sites… I did too and they scared the crap out of me. My husband kept telling me no one writes the positive stuff because they have moved on… so that is why I wanted to keep it positive. It's a hard road, don't get me wrong… but I am getting ready on t he 21st to write my one year update and it will include the fact I finished a tri last week. YOU CAN DO THIS! God Bless!

  24. Thank you for sharing a positive story. I have more hope now than I did 10 minutes ago! My 2 week post op appointment is this week and I have no idea what to expect and what I have googled has me scared! One sight actually made me sick because of the graphic pictures. Thanks again for the reminder to keep positive and know that what I'm feeling (physically and emotionally) is normal.

  25. You are right, everyone is different and everyone heals differently. I will be a year since my break on the 21st. I will tell you, the first 8 weeks are pretty bad and depressing. Things started to get a little better once I got in the walking cast. I am doing my first triathlon in a week if that makes you feel better… I still get very stiff in the ankle and it is sore most nights… but I am doing really well. You will get through this, I promise! As far as weight baring and non weight baring… I believe because of my health and previous physical activity my doctor was aggressive with my treatment and getting me back on my feet.

  26. Make sure you stay off you leg and let it heal until the doctors say you can walk on it. A friend of mine broke her leg and she didn't take care of herself and three years later she broke the same leg. The second time she followed the doctors advice and it healed perfectly. When I broke my ankle the doctors told me I couldn't walk on my ankle for 3 to 4 months. This is just an estimate. I was able to walk on my ankle after two and a half months. I didn't have a cast. I had the boot. You should do great with the boot. The pain medication made me loopy and not hungry but I needed it for two months. I did physical therapy and it helped strengthen my ankle. Get a good recliner and lots of DVD's. I feel for you but it will get better. I also had in-home care. I called the hospital and they gave me a number for Tender Hearts. I had someone come to the house three days a week for three hours. She cleaned and did whatever I needed to have done. She fixed me lunch and was a life saver. It was well worth the money! It saved my sanity and took some of the pressure off of Chuck.

  27. Colleen-I just wanted to say thank you for all the great information. I had my ORIF surgery on July 10,2013. I also dislocated my ankle and broke 3 bones in my ankle. My leg hardware looks about the same as yours. I have 2 screws on my tibia and a long plate with 10 screws on the fibula. I am 59 years old and my surgeon said the bones were weak around the edges. I have had other surgeries but never a broken bone. I had an old style soft cast for 1 week put on in the hospital after surgery. They did a x-ray to make sure the hardware was in place and replaced that cast with a fiberglass cast at 1 week post-op in the Doctor's office. The swelling went down and the cast was hurting so they replaced that cast with another fiberglass cast after 1 week. My leg continued to hurt and I felt like I was going to go crazy. I felt like it was causing my skin to break down on the excision site. I went in again after 1 week and they removed that cast. No skin break down, just me being paranoid. I now at 3 weeks post-op have a large black boot with velcro straps. I quit taking my pain meds 7 days after surgery, but last night the pain was very bad. My leg is hurting more now than ever. I can take a lot of pain. My BP dropped so low that I was not given anything for pain by the EMT team and I had a 10 mile ride to the hospital. I live in the country on a gravel road and full of pot holes. It was not until the ER dept could raise my BP that I was given anything for pain. So, I can take a lot of pain. At this time I feel like I should not have pressed the PA to remove the cast. I think they were sick of replacing the casts every week for me. I took a Tramadal tonight at bed time and it still hurts like crazy. I have my foot elevated above my heart and pillow all around my leg with my big black boot on. I did losen the straps of the boot at the foot. I keep ice on it all the time too.I am scheduled to return for my next appointment on Aug 21th that will be 6 weeks post-op. They will do an other x-ray to make sure it has healed and then I will be allowed to start PT. I just hope I did not make a mistake asking for a boot to early. They were going to replacce the cast at 6 weeks with the boot. With the pain I am having with the removal of the cast I am unsure. I don't have the nerve to call them and ask for another cast. Hope the pain stops soon. I hate taking pain meds and am already feeling sick to my stomach again, after just 1 pill. I have Promethazine for nausea but that does help. I keep telling myself I can get through this. I hope the pains stop and I can continue with recovery. I was told that I would have 3-4 months of non-weight bearing. It seems your recovery was much sooner. Maybe, because of my age. I know everyone is different. Thanks again.

  28. Jennifer – Thanks for the comment. That is why I wrote the post to help others! Yeah! You are in the early stages… it took me about 7 months before I felt pretty much normal again. YOU WILL TOO! It's an uphill battle and no one really ever understands the pain and emotional turmoil. I still feel a little pain now and then and some stiffness – but it is 90% better from where I started. I will be writing a year update in August – can't believe it is almost a year!

  29. I just want to say you are a God send. You gave me so much hope and it is great to know that someone is experiencing or has experienced what I feel. I felt so alone at the beginning and depressed. YOu have shed alot of light on the unanswered questions that the doctors don't tell you when you get home from surgery. I had orif surgery april 24 2013 with 3 screws in my ankle from a slip and fall down 2 steps. yes just 2. lol. I had 1 removed june 21st, I am still in a lot of discomfort but so very happy to be walking upright now. I am wife and mom of 2 kids ages 3 and 6 so again your posts really helped me out big time. God bless you.

  30. If it makes you feel better… It will be a year in August. I am running again. It gets soar now and then… but it is about 90% better. Very happy with my progress. good luck to you. You will get through!

  31. I just had my accident 5 days ago and my operation 3days ago. Your x rays is the exact replica of mine, same 1 long screw, 1 long plate and a lot of screws. I'm really scared right now. Anyway i just started reading your blog. I hope it has good ending. I'll continue reading now.

  32. It was like I almost wrote this myself! In my thirties with 2 kidsI broke my tib & fib on a morning before school! Had same surgery as you and are now 10 weeks post op without air cast! Good luck x

  33. You had my sympathy – I broke my ankle this past year, no where near as badly as yours and I am still challenged by some activities. You have done well. But I admit my sympathy dissipated when I read the comment about your husband not liking the peanut free snacks. Most school's in Canada have accommodated and accepted this in order to keep children who have a life threatening allergy to the peanut protein. An allergy that can kill them in less time than epi-pen can help, or in which an ambulance can arrive. You live in a Country with far more people than mine, hence, you have so many more products available, and especially, foods without peanuts. It is a such a small accommodation to make to do your best to keep the children in your community safe. You are incredibly fortunate that you don't have children with nut allergies and my students are incredibly fortunate to be in a community that doesn't share your husband's attitude.

  34. Colleen, I am so very sorry that you have to go through all of this! I can't even imagine how painful and hard all this has been! True to who you are, though, you are using your difficult journey to help and "teach" others who may be on the same path with you, now or in the future. 🙂 Hang in there, taking it one day at a time, and always measuring your progress not by how far you have yet to go, but by how far you have come, one painful step at a time. God Bless you and your family and may you very soon be completely healed and back doing all the things you love to do.

  35. So sorry for all the pain you have gone through. It sounds like you have a lot of wonderful family and friends – truly a blessing.

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