February 8, 2025

Cooked Turkey Game…

Here’s a fun game you can use to practice any skill.  Math problems, letter sounds, sight words, vocabulary words…  Just write the skill you want the kiddos to practice on the blank Turkey signs.  Below are some with multiplication, vocabulary words, and story problems.

The one we are playing IN THE Other PICTURES is using Kindergarten sight words. 

SET UP:  Print the cards and write the skill on the blank cards.  Mix up the cards and place face down.  Give each player a playing card and a crayon.

TO PLAY:  Students take turns drawing a card.  If it is a skill card they answer the question or in this case read the word.  If they get it correct they color in one turkey on their playing card.  If they draw a cooked Turkey they miss their turn.  The next player goes.  Play continues until someone has colored in all the turkeys on their card. 

It’s a simple and fun way to practice a desired skill!!! 

Click here to download.  Then print and get practicing!!!   

Need more ideas for Thankgiving in the classroom…  Click here!!! 

Also, Dr. Jean shares some great Turkey Time Ideas on her blog!  Click her to visit those great posts!


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