February 18, 2025

Little Green Guy Does not Flush & Some!!!!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you!  Every year the Leprechaun gets busy at the Gallagher House.  You can see the trouble he caused in 2009 and 2010.  Each year he seems to find more mischievous things to get into.
This year my kiddos woke up to a messy house.  Seems that the little green guy had way too much fun in the bathroom.  I had just purchased a large pack of toilet paper at SAMS club and asked my son to put the paper under the sink and he forgot…  well, the Leprechaun took a roll of that paper and covered the inside of our house in it as well as leaving a few green coins along the way…  It was everywhere… Hanging from lights and all over the floor of the house. 
Then he left my kids cereal that Mommy NEVER would buy no matter how much my kids beg.  He even spilt a bunch on the floor and table.  O, and he left my son his favorite yogurt…  Green Whips!  My son was so happy!!! 
Knock, Knock!
Who’s There?
Irish who?
Irish YOU were a Leprechaun!
After breakfast it was time to brush teeth and would you believe, that that trouble maker used all of our bathrooms…  I guess his mommy never taught him to flush???  My daughter said, “Well he forgot to flush, I hope he remembered to wash his hands…”  Yeah, me too!!! 
Look at that green pee!!!!  Silly little guy!!!
My son hasn’t discovered it yet, but there are a few surprises still for him to find at school…  That little green guy put shamrock stickers all over his snack and juice box for school.  In his homework folder he placed some more green coins.  His reading book has a shamrock bookmark in it now too… 
When my son goes to lunch he will see all green….

Mmmm….  Bagel with green cream cheese, green cucumber slices, green grapes, and some green cookies.  There is a note from a Leprechaun in there telling him that he hopes that mommy is not mad that he made my son lunch today. I wonder if he will eat the bagel today???

Our dog even met the Leprechaun…. 
Still a few more tricks up that Leprechaun’s sleeve….  More to come….
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