February 18, 2025

Graphing For Green!!!

Graphing the Green

What color comes to mind when you think of St. Patrick’s Day? Green of course! So celebrate the holiday and the color by completing the activity below.

YOU WILL NEED -Large sheet of bulleting board paper -A 1/2 sheet of shamrock stickers for each student

PREPARE THE LARGE SHEET OF B-BOARD: -draw a line down the middle -make nine columns going across -on the left side of the line write the following questions in each box.

1. I am wearing green.

2. The house I live in is green.

3. My favorite color is green.

4. I like green beans.

5. My family has a green car.

6. I have a green pencil.

7. My winter coat is green.

8. I like green Jell-O.

9. I have used a green crayon.

10. I know a word that rimes with green.


1.) Have a volunteer read #1.

2.) Invite students up to place a sticker in the column next to #1 if it applies.

3.) Repeat 1-2 for all the questions.

4.) Have students use the graph to answer questions during a class discussion

Graphing the St. Patrick’s Way- (1-2)
Your students cut out various St. Patrick’s Day Pictures. They then place those pictures on their graph. After the pictures are on the graph, they answer questions about the graph.
This is found in our St. Patty Pack – Click here to print for free!!!

For more fun St. Patrick’s Day Ideas, click here!

I have to share this craft.  I found it here… and loved it!  I have to try it with my daughter this week once I get the cereal.  Look at how pretty!!!

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