October 23, 2024

Moo… It’s Monday!

Moo… It’s Monday! (1 day early!!!!)

Sorry, life has gotten busy with the end of the school year around the corner. The kids’ sports combined with getting exercise in and doing Teaching Heart keeps me busy. Therefore, it has been a bit since I posted a Moo… It is Monday post. I am back this week.

Diet – Ugh! I have hit a plateau over the past two weeks. No weight gained or lost… Well, I did gain 2 pounds and lost it… putting me back at 20lbs lost. I know why, I am not writing it down. I started doing that again today. I really need to write it all down so I get enough calories or so that I do not get too many. Still eating clean and staying away from sugar as much as possible. I did cheat and have a piece of cake at a party on Saturday. It was all good until we went for a four mile run right after the party. I bet my husband before it that I could get it done in 43 minutes… O, man… Mile 1 my stomach was feeling the cake. Really, you feel like what you eat. If you eat clean, you feel good and ready for exercise. If you eat crap, you feel like crap when you exercise. I am pretty sure you won’t see cake listed as a good pre-run meal on this list: http://www.runtheplanet.com/trainingracing/nutrition/enduranceeating.asp

Exercise – Still doing it 6x a week once or twice a day. That is the part I find very easy. On Saturday I am running a 5K race with my husband for his work. My goal for that is to get under 30 min. That will be hard for me as I have yet to break 30 min. on the treadmill at the gym. So, next week I will let you know how that goes. I am doing boot camp. I have two more weeks left in this free session and then I have 2 more free ones left. Over the summer months the camps are shorter and if I do those, I will be paying for them and not using my free ones.

Mon – Boot Camp

Tues – Guessing 2 miles through my hilly neighborhood… Pouring sweat from body after this.

Wed. – Boot Camp

Thurs, Four Mile Run on Treadmill and 1 Mile Walk

Friday – Three mile run and 2 mile walk on Treadmill. Also did 60 min. Boot camp in the AM

Sat. – Four miles… I was 44 min. So I did not win the bet. I felt like a dog.

Sun – Rest.

I ordered a shirt I have been wanting since I set eyes on it… but I am not allowed to wear it until I hit seven more pounds lost. That would put me at 27 pounds lost and lighter than I was before I got pregnant with my second child four years ago. The saying is the graphic I used in this post.  The shirt is so cool. It is from WOOHA GEAR at http://www.whoohagear.com/  If you haven’t checked this site out it has T-Shirts and other athletic apparel that inspire through motivational sayings and designs. I fell in love with a running shirt I saw on the site. You can see it here. http://shop.whoohagear.com/product.sc?productId=73&categoryId=3  I love the colors and the words on it!!! When you see me in it, I will be down 27 pounds! It’s hanging in my closet now.

Quotes for me to  Think About:

Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?

When you stop trying to change others and work on changing yourself, your world changes for the better.
When the sun comes up each day, be up and out with it.