March 12, 2025

Chalk, Swings, and Beach Balls =’s LEARNING TIME!!!

Here’s to what’s around the corner when all the snow melts! Spring and Summer Learning! Sidewalk Chalk =’s learning… Did you realize all the fun that could be had with a box of chalk from the dollar store? Better yet, did you ever think of the summer learning you could trick your kids into with […]

Organizing Your Summer Junk, I mean Stuff!

I love organization… not everything in my house is organized, but when I make something organized that was once a mess, I smile inside and out! I love little plastic organizers too much… I actually think I may have a problem, I can’t leave a Target without getting some sort of plastic organizer (that may […]

Summer Challenge: 3 things every little kid should do this summer!

Teaching My Little Bookworm posted a challenge called Summer Challenge: 3 things every little kid should do this summer! I thought I would add three to her list… so far she has 1: take a walk in the rain! The cold front finally came goodbye 90’s hello low 80’s (daytime) and 50’s (nighttime) but it […]

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