July 16, 2024

Moo… It’s Monday

Here comes another Monday! Another good week of clean eating and killer exercise.
You saw that I blogged here about the cooking class I went to. If you didn’t get a chance to read my post and visit the links I shared there, you should now. It is full of great ideas.

Did well with eating healthy this week. The drinking healthy part was the hard part this week. I have been off of diet soda for over two months and this week I kept seeing my hubby’s Diet Coke in the frig, It was telling me to open it up and for the first time in two months, I really wanted to enjoy a soda with my hummus and carrot stick snack… but, I opened up a water instead. Then I took my daughter to a birthday party and was offered soda and almost said yes; but I stopped myself. Still, I could go for a nice cold Diet Coke and really dislike the healthy me that tells the unhealthy me, “You will never drink soda again, so get over it and grab a water!’

This week I need to focus on my calories in over the holidays. I am going to a big fancy brunch on Sunday. Wish me luck!

Click to read more reason why soda is bad:

The Truth About Diet Soda

Diet Soda Drinkers Gain Weight

Diet Soda will make and Keep you FAT!


Still running good! Wondering if I should get a SPIbelt? I was thinking I could use it on my 10 mile race to hold my baby (Blackberry)… Do you have one? What is the best one?

Monday – Run 3 miles
Tuesday – Boot camp
Wed. – Run 4 Miles
Thurs. – Boot camp
Fri. – Run 5 miles
Sat. – Ran my VERY hilly neighborhood 4 1/2 miles – This killed my legs. They still hurt and it is Monday.
Sun – Rest!!!

My running playlist is below. I need some new tunes. Any suggestions???

Let’s be Inspired

Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, “Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?” – Peter Maher, Canadian marathon runner

Obviously you can’t change your genes, but you can give them a damn good run for their money.