Here’s a fun game to use with small groups or as a center. You can use it to review any skill. Also would be perfect for a fun Holiday party game… Check it out room moms!!!
Set Up: Place Three Plates of Cookies on the finish plate. Mix all playing cards up with the leftover plates of cookies and place face down on the section of the board marked card pile. Place playing pieces on start.
To play: First player takes the card off the top of the card pile. If the card has words, the player reads the card and moves playing piece as stated on the card.
If player draws a plate of cookies, they keep the plate and do nothing else. Repeat in order until one of the players lands on finish. The first person to land on finish, collects the three plates of cookies and the game is over.
All players count the number of plates of cookies they collected. Person who collected the most plates of cookies is the winner.
NOTE: You can add your own skill cards to the game…. Sight words, math problems, science questions… Blank cards are provided for your convenience.
You can get this game in this set of games and centers – click here to learn more!
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