March 10, 2025

Easy Fall Pumkin Chocolate Cheesecake Cups!

Hey everyone.  It’s been a bit since my last post.  I am trying to adjust to back to school.  I am not teaching Pre-K this year and have decided to go back into the classroom as a Substitute this year.  Subbing has it perks…  most importantly I make my schedule so I can still plug away at Teaching Heart and being a volunteer in my Children’s schools.  It also has it’s disadvantages!  #1 being I hate doing things other people’s way.  Meaning following another teachers style and classroom management.  I subbed about 16 years ago for four months before I landed my own classroom.  So I have been there and know that it’s not the best job – but right now it works for my schedule and we need the extra income it will provide us.  So sucking it up and making the best of it!

As I said, one of the perks to being a substitute is making my own schedule… Thus, the other day I was off so I could visit with one of my best gal pals who just had another baby and is enjoying her maternity leave away from her third grade classroom!!!  I decided to make her dinner and a pumpkin treat.  Time for all things Pumpkin!!!  It is September.  I made these awesome little pumpkin chocolate cups. Created the recipe myself based on some other things I saw online.  They turned out great and I wanted to share my creation with you!!!

Fall Bites

I have seen others use Oreos as the crust bottom and tried it with these.  It worked great.  I just twisted off a top of an Oreo and laid it on the bottom of my muffin cup.  Put the other half of the Oreos in a zip-loc and crushed them.

wpid-20140903_140233.jpgThen for the next layer… The Chocolate Layer…

1 1/2 cups flour – 1 cup sugar – 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder1 teaspoon baking soda – 1/4 teaspoon salt – 1 cup water – 1/3 cup vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon white vinegar – 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Mix the above and spoon on top of the cookie layer.


Then for the pumpkin cheesecake layer…

8 ounces light cream cheese, softened – 1 cup plain canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) –  1/2 cup dark brown sugar  – 3 large eggs – 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice

Combine cream cheese, pumpkin, brown sugar, eggs, and pumpkin pie spice in a medium bowl. Beat for 2-3 minutes or until smooth.

Spoon on top of chocolate layer.

Top with crushed Oreos.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.  Let cool for an hour.  Carefully remove from cups and place on wire rack!  Store in air tight container.

chocolate pumpkin cups

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