March 14, 2025

Wishy Washy Farm Fun


We had even more fun with the book, Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Farm in Preschool.  I love how our muddy pigs turned out!  The kiddos loved the smell of the homemade mud paint.  Template for the pigs can be found by clicking here.


The kids had a blast with this.  I set out cut-out masks (we just tied them around our necks like a necklace)  of the animals from the story, an apron and washing brush (for Mrs. Wishy Washy), some mud (brown paper), and a tub (laundry basket).  First we acted out the story as a class taking turns.  Then, I left the stuff out at center time and the kids enjoyed acting it out again on their own.  Super cute!  My mask cut-outs are in my farm pack. (click here to check that out!)


For an easy & fun snack to match the book we ate animal crackers and chocolate pudding.  The kids dipped the crackers in the mud.


For a sensory activity we let some of our farm animals roll in the mud.  The animals stomped their feet on a piece of paper that the kids let dry and took home with them later.  Last each child cleaned the animals off in the water using a sponge.  They loved this…  For mud I used pudding, oatmeal, rice, corn, and flour all mixed together.

As you can see we has quite a mud filled day thanks to the story Mrs. Wishy Washy that inspired it all!

For more Farm Fun Ideas for the classroom – click here! 

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