March 13, 2025

Flip Flopping Teacher Gifts…


I shared the FREE wrappers above yesterday.  My kiddos went to school with them today!

Click here to download your free bus driver wrapper!  (both wrappers will fit an extra large bar)

Click here to download the extra large bar wrapper for a teacher.

Here are some other goodies my kids shared with their teachers (their classroom teachers also got a group gift from their class…  but I like to also send them in with a little end of the year treat just from them.)
My daughter’s room mom made the flower gift card seen below from the money she collected from the class…

Summer Gift Card Flower

Here are the little basket treats I made for my kiddos to give their teachers.
Below is a close-up of the tag I created!  Can you tell I am a little obsessed with Flip Flops this year???… and Flip Flops are not my friends (if you know my broken ankle story – you get this!)


A close up of  the little gift is seen below in the next two pictures.  The flip flop containers were from Michael’s craft store.
The Flip Flop Chocolate is from Sarris Chocolate.  Also in the container is sunscreen, candle, crystal light, and a Panera gift card.

flip flop themed teacher gift flip flop themed teacher gift

Yep, I am pushing the flip flops!   Had so much fun making this little treat.

Flip Flop Staff Gift

Don’t forget the special teachers like gym, music, and art!  Starbucks and Chocolate…

beach towel teacher gift

Above is an End of the Year gift for my son’s piano teacher.  Bath and Body Works has the cutest summer hand sanitizer holders.  Just add a beach towel and you are set!

Below is our annual End of The Year T-Shirt!  My first grader loves these still and My Fourth Grader said third grade was the last year for the shirts.  🙁  Anyhow, here is the back of the shirt.  A perfect Thank You card for the teacher.  I have been doing these now for five years….  Always a hit with the kids until they grow too big and think it is silly.

End of Year T-Shirt

How about an after school treat to celebrate great grades all year!!!

Teaching Heart Summer Sand

You can click here to get the recipe!  This stuff is soooo good.  Be careful!

Don’t worry I took time for myself before the summer of fun comes at 3:45 today!  Mimosa’s with some of my favorite gal pals before we hit the parks with the kids together!  Let’s see if they read my blog and notice the picture below!   They said not to post it one facebook – I listened!

Cheers to a fun summer all!

Mommy Mimosa

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