March 10, 2025

Win $100.00 In Teaching Supplies

Remember how I told you about the online Teacher store MPM a few months ago?  If not click hereand refresh your memory!  It’s an awesome online Teacher Store and they are giving away a $100.00 Shopping spree and other prizes.  From what I have seen they are very generous with their giveaways.   I love how they support teachers this way!!!  For a chance  to win all you need to do is take a picture of a bulletin board you have up now (or maybe you already have a picture from a previous bulletin board).  Take a look around your classroom, grab the camera, and snap a picture.  It’s easy and worth the try.   Bonus you get 10% off for just trying.  You can find more details at

Here’s the gist…
  1. Snap a picture of your back-to-school bulletin board design(s) and email it.  Click here for email address. 
  2. After we post the picture, we’ll email each person with a link to their unique entry page (along with a 10% discount code to MPM School Supplies as a thank you for taking the time to enter!).
  3. Each person then needs to get their family, friends and colleagues to vote for their picture by ‘pinning’ it on Pinterest and ‘liking’ it on Facebook.  (I am happy to help spread the word if you enter.  Just let me know and I will post it on my Facebook PAge and Pin It Myself) 
*The picture with the most combined Pinterest ‘Pins’ and Facebook ‘Likes’ when voting ends, September 30th at 11:59pm EST, wins a $100 MPM School Supplies gift card – with 2nd through 5th place receiving great prizes as well!
Below is the link to the contest page where you can get the full details:

Disclosure: MPM School Supplies offered Teaching Heart products and certificates in exchange of a review. But the opinions posted in this post are true of the experiences found while shopping at MPM.


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