September 19, 2024

November Fun and Free Treats at Teaching Heart Mom!

Hope your Halloween was full of fun spooks!  Ours was a weekend of Halloween fun!  Now it is November and we are ready to be Thankful in November. 

We will be doing another Thankful for visitors giveaway in November, be sure to check the blog daily…  You never know what day the great giveaway will be posted.  I can tell you that it will be valued over $100.00 of learning fun!!!  Become a follower now by clicking follow in the left corner of this page!!!

Are you a Facebook Fan???  We are so close to 2,000 fans.  Once we hit 2,000 our fans will have a chance to win a giveaway only available to our Facebook Fans.  So become of fan today so you won’t  miss out!  Here’s the link!!/pages/Teaching-Heart-wwwteachingheartnet/111345987534
If you get there today you will see we have a giveaway contest going on now till the end of the day. 

Have you seen our Thanksgiving page? 

Have you ordered our Thanksgiving packet there???  Get it now and start planning some fun learning for school or home!!!