March 10, 2025

TOP FIVE Back To School Books!

I don’t have many addictions…  But there are two I do have.  First is coffee!  Second is Children’s Literature.  You should see the book shelves in our house.  You would think we own a mini library.  I started my collection in college and then collected a large amount my first few years teaching.  Finally, my kiddos came along and blessed my life.  They also gave me a reason to buy, buy, children’s books.  When spring cleaning comes around, I can give away toys, clothing, and household goods.  But my shelves are always packed with books.  If you check my storage areas you will find boxes filled with leveled Children’s books.  I am a junkie and I do not want help to control my addiction.  Luckily with Teaching Heart, I get many books for free or at least that is what my husband thinks when another new book graces our computer desk.  His question, “Did you buy this or are you reviewing?”  I have learned over the years to just avoid conflict and say, “reviewing.” even if I did buy it.  😉

With this addiction, unlike the coffee addiction, comes knowledge!  I get so excited when Jepordy has Children’s Literature as a category, I feel so smart!  Ha-ha!

I love matching books and offering book ideas to match a theme.  One of my favorite themes is around the corner, BACK TO SCHOOL (it may be a dirty phrase this early in the summer).  However, I do know the GOOD teachers think back to school all summer long!  Or maybe they should lay off the coffee and relax.  LOL!  Anyhow, here are my FAVORITE books to have ready for the first week back to school.  Make sure you have these.  Click on the links and get them on Amazon for the best price.1.) Hands as Warm as Toast is a heartwarming story that any kindergarten teacher, parent, or student can make a connection to. According to Ms. Himle this is a true, yet slightly embellished story about an event that happened when she was a Kindergarten teacher. The teacher is Ms. Himle’s book is Miss Darling. Everyone knows a kindergarten teacher that seems to have a magic touch with young children. Miss Darling is one of those kindergarten teachers with that magic way of making children want to be at school. In fact, when Libby, the little girl in the story, does not want to leave the side of her mother to attend the first day of school Miss Darling appears with cold hands and a job for Libby. Miss Darling’s magic touch and way with Libby make school a place Libby wants to be a part of. This is a great story for back to school. It would make a good gift for a favorite kindergarten teacher that touched your child’s life. The illustrations beautifully match the text. The story held the attention of my very own kindergarten student. I enjoyed reading this book to my son and he found many parts in the story that reminded him of his first day of school. There are many opportunities to make a text to self connection. Lisa Himle has written a wonderful story that I am sure will touch the hearts of many students, teachers, and parents.

***An activity guide to match this book can be found at: – Ideas and printables to match this book!!!

 2.) Ann Stampler, the author of “Go Home, Mrs. Beekman“, sent me a copy of this adorable book. The night I got it was the second day of Kindergarten for my son. We sat down and read it together.In the story, Emily Beekman refuses come out of the fort she’s built in her bedroom and go to the first day of school unless her mother promises to stay at school with her forever.   Mrs. Beekman promises.  However, even after Emily forms a bond with her teacher, makes new friends, and is perfectly happy to go to school on her own, Mrs. Beekman just won’t leave.

I immediately made a connection with the mother in the story. Unlike the child in the story my son was soooooo excited about the first day of school. Me on the other hand, I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to let him go to this unusual place all by himself. I connected with Mrs. Beekman’s need to watch over her child. She became a fly on the wall at her daughter’s school by transforming herself into a coat rack, a hat, a hula hoop, and some other interesting things. As we read, I could relate. Those first few days of school had me wondering how my son was doing, if he was listening to the teacher, if he was having fun, and if he missed me. Much to the dismay of the teacher in the story, Mrs. Beekman saw it all in her daughters class! That lucky Mrs. Beekman!!!!

The book is adorable. The story entertained both me and my son. I think this would be a great gift to give to a parent who has a child going into grade K. Not many (if any) back to school books display how a parent may have a more difficult time letting go of a child; than the child has of letting go of the parent. Ann Stampler does a super job of making this story flow. My son of course thought the story was funny and I thought the story had a hidden truth in it about how parents have anxiety too about the first day of school.

I also think this would make a fun read for the first few days of school. It would be fun to have the class draw a picture of their parents at school with them. You could discuss: How would your mom or dad hide if he or she came to school? Would you like your mom or dad to be at school with you everyday?

3.) Amelia Bedelia’s First Day of School!  I love Amelia Bedelia books and read all of them as a child and as a teacher, I was sure to share them with my students. This book is super special because haven’t all Amelia Badelia fans wondered what Amelia Bedelia was like as a child? I know I have and this book shows Amelia as a first grader. This is the first time Amelia Bedelia has been shown as a child. With this great story we now know that Amelia started out silly and that is just the way she will always be. Ordinary first grade happenings become extraordinary with Amelia Bedelia’s literal take on all things first grade. Teachers can see themselves in Miss Edwards. She is patient but knows when enough is enough and tells Amelia, after she has gotten out of her seat many times to, “Please glue yourself to your seat.” If you know Amelia Bedelia, you can guess what she does when Miss Edwards just wants her to stay in her seat. Students get a look at a fun filled day and will laugh out loud when Amelia Bedelia does what she is told. The pictures by Lynne Avril really compliment the text and make the story even more exciting. My son loved seeing Amelia Bedelia try to put her nose in a book because he hears me tell him to do that often. This would be a great first week of school read or a special book to share with your child the night before they start school. This would also be a fantastic gift for a new teacher. I love Amelia Bedelia and enjoyed seeing her as a child in this terrific picture book!

4.) Lunch Bunnies – It is about a little rabbit who is terrified about the procedures at lunch time (dropping his tray, messing up his money, etc.) This is a great read to introduce first graders to the lunch routine!

5.)Bailey, by Harry Bliss!

This book is about Bailey, a little loveable white dog with a big personality, who goes to school with human friends. Bailey is an adorable story just perfect for a preschool to first grade class setting. Students will connect to the character of Bailey as he goes to school. It’s a wonderful first week of school read. From dancing to math Bailey spends the day doing things other kids do, only a little bit more dog-like. Bailey loves school and his love is contagious for the reader. At school, everyone likes to sit beside him on the school bus and in class. They like to talk to him at recess. He’s one cool pup! Bailey’s day is very much like an average school day, but with Bailey the day is always more exciting. You will even find that it is true, dogs do eat homework. In fact, Bailey eats his own and ends up with a stomach ache.

Both my nine and four year old enjoyed this book very much.  They laughed and enjoyed following Bailey on his adventure at school!

The illustrations in this book are fantastic and the book is the perfect length for younger kids that do not have a huge attention span. It is also a great read for back to school time for grades Pre-k to first. School aged readers will make a connection to the text and the characters. It’s likely you will hear lots of giggles. Hopefully Bailey’s love for school will be caught by the reader. Much of the text is done in comic bubbles. Comic bubbles are a great way to teach a lesson on prediction. Also this site  has a great lesson on using comic bubbles that could easily be used with the book Bailey.

Get Bailey on Amazon!

Brimful Curiosities shares this snack.

I also enjoyed  Brimful Curiosities reveiw of Bailey.
You will love the treat they made to match the book.  Follow the link and you can learn more.

There are five above… but a TON more with lesson ideas can be found by clicking here!  

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