October 4, 2024

Caterpillar Apron Tip & a Free Ziploc Version

Two things for you in this post.  So stay a bit!  🙂

After the video is a free printable to create this Ziploc Baggie Caterpillar that is similar to the larger one for the apron found in this packet. 

First, I created a video showing me putting together a Caterpillar Apron.  I put 24 together for a school recently and found this to be the best way to do it!  You can purchase aprons at Michael’s or any other craft store.

The printables for this and many other buggy themed Pre-1st resources can be found here in this Teaching Heart PAcket…

Normally if purchased separately, all the items below would cost you over $40.  You can purchase the set HUGE BUNDLE SET FOR $27.00 !   Save over $13.00!!!  Click here to purchase!

Teaching Heart Bug Bundle - HUGE Set!!!

Look at all you get in this set:  Bee Themed Learning Games, Math, Reading, and Craft Activities, Bee Themed Calendar and Classroom Forms, Bug, Insect, & Caterpillar – Math, Reading, Literacy,  Activities, Centers, Apron, Caterpillar Butterfly Life Cycle Activities, Ladybug, Lady bug Life Cycle and Math and Reading Activities, + Bonus Firefly Set.  OVER 100 Pages of Buggy Learning Fun!!!

Now to the free printable.  I suggest you print him out on cardstock.  Cut out his mouth and belly.  Staple him to a Sandwhich sized ziploc baggie.  Once he is on the baggie, cut a hole in the baggie through the hole in his mouth.  This way when the students feed the caterpillar, all the items end up in the baggie.  Great way to retell Eric Carl’s, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Plus each kiddos can ALL take one home!!

Click Here to Download The Ziploc Baggie Caterpillar File!

The pattern for the Caterpillar aprons are in this packet.

Click Here to Visit our Caterpillar Page for More Free Printables.

Thanks for crawling over!