March 9, 2025

FREE Feet and Fish Printables

If you have been a Teaching Heart fan for many years, you may remember how Teaching Heart had a huge resource page for Dr. Seuss (back in 2002-2005).  It had free printables and ideas to match many of the books.  Many of the free printables came from Teaching Heart fans that shared with all of you.  Unfortunately a few years ago I had to take it down when contacted by Seuss Lawyers.  Did you know that any Dr. Seuss pictures/graphics (even ones you draw or purchase) legally cannot be used on printables or websites?  I thought I was in the okay because I was only use a Seuss hat graphic I had drawn… but that was not okay, even if the materials were free.  Yep, you may see many Seuss packets being sold online by teachers and hopefully they someday do not get a legal letter from Seuss Lawyers.  Luckily,  I was not selling Seuss files so they just wanted me to take it down.   I was really sad because I knew the Seuss pages I created were helping many teachers.  But it was a lesson learned and I have come a long way learning about copyright since then…  I feel like I could write a book.  Thus my printables are safe for you to use.  LOL!

 Anyhow, I do have some Feet and Fish printables that could be used by all of you as an extension after reading the books above.

1.) Fish Bowl Game (click here)- Provide Dice and see how many fish it takes to fill your bowl. 

2.) Fish Counting Activity (click here) – Student counts fish and cuts out the correct number

3.)  Fish Measuring Activity (click here)

4.) Feet Opposites Manipulatives (click here) – print out feet on card stock.  Students match the feet by reading and putting opposites together. 

5.) feetactivitysheet–  after doing the center above have students complete this sheet!

6.) Goldfish Cracker Activities –  This a large file with many activities to use with Goldfish Crackers. 

Like our Free Printables…  Support us and keep Teaching Heart Sharing Free Resources.  Visit our store!!!  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check out all the cool Seuss products here!

There are so many Seuss books – click here for lots!

Happy Teaching!



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