Love me some teachers! Don’t forget to appreciate them a few times a year with a little treat! They work so hard and see your kids more than you do in a school day!
I have two free printables to share…
-Easter candy is on sale in the stores. Sarris candy is a local favorite. In my grocery store they had the crosses on sale for 50% off… Yippppeeeee!! So here is a little tag I made to attach to a piece of chocolate. It says, “Having a Teacher Like you is a Blessing!” – I love the saying on it from Mother Teresa…
Many people mistake
our work for our
Our vocation
is the love of Jesus.
our work for our
Our vocation
is the love of Jesus.
– Aren’t these cute!!! This is an idea I modified from here at Domesticated Lady. I wanted to use this idea but I wanted a smaller tag that would attach to a Zip Lock Baggie. This file prints four tags per page. Free to print – click here!
Here’s some more links with great ideas:
Tip Junkie Shares 30 Ideas for Gift Ideas for Teachers – Check it out here!
Free and Fun End of The Year Ideas – Click Here!
Check out These Cute Highlighters and the Free Printable to match at Skip to My Lou!
Also, check out this whoopie recipe with a free printable
Tip Junkie shares You Take the Cake…
U Create Crafts shares a nice list of gift ideas!
MOMtrepreneur Crafters of the Day:
Teacher Appreciation Week projects
Always looking for your great ideas. I use the "thanks a latte" all the time. With only 5 weeks to go, I better start thinking for my year end thank you gifts.