March 4, 2025

Hands-On Pumpkin Counting…

O, I love the dollar store all year long…  but during the Holidays you can find the best stuff for learning.  Here is a simple hands-on counting idea.  Grab a pack of small pumpkin containers and a pack of pumpkin erasers.

On the outside of each pumpkin write a number.  The student must count out the number of pumpkin erasers and stick them in the pumpkin. 

This makes a great math center for PRE-K to K.  Also fun to do at home to practice counting.   You can make the numbers in different formats. 

You could also make an addition problem and the student must place the answer in pumpkin erasers into the pumpkins.  Great for K and First. 

For more fun with pumpkins click here.

Also, below is a picture from The Wonder Years – She is showing you how to do some fun counting with a few activities she tried from Math Wire.  Check it out!

Kinderprintables shares a pumpkin counting emergent reader. 

And of course you must read Five Little Pumpkins.   Make sure you let the kiddos see this You Tube Video!

Below is a picture from My Montessori Journey.  You should check out her post for even more fun with pumpkins!!!

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate

The first one said:”oh my, it’s getting late.”

The second one said:”There are witches in the air”

The third one said:”But we dont’ care.”

The fourth one said:”Let’s run and run and run”

The fifth one said:”Halloween is fun”

So woooosh went the wind

And out went the light

And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!

So much fun to be had…  Check back… soon we will be talking about the book below!

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2 thoughts on “Hands-On Pumpkin Counting…

  1. Thanks for the ideas! I am heading to Dollar Tree tonight to pick up the pumpkin buckets for addition practice!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

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