March 28, 2025

Pumpkin Sequence Activity

When doing a unit on pumpkins it is fun to discuss how they grow. In the pocket chart you see sentence strips with  the order that a pumpkin will grow.
Watch the pumpkin grow.
Plant the seeds.
A vine begins to grow.
Green leaves form on the vine.
Pumpkin flowers grow on the vine.
A little pumpkin starts to grow.
Time to pick the pumpkin.
Now I can make a jack-o-lantern.

You could mix these up and have students sequence them as a center activity.

You could print a set of these sentence for the students and have them illustrate each sentence
and/or put the sentence in order on a long piece of construction paper.

You could make your own like seen to the left or you could order the October through November CD and print and use the one seen. To learn more about this CD go to:

Another fun idea is to introduce pumpkin vocabulary
on pumpkin cut-outs! As you show the students a word, discuss the word.


You may also wish to display these words on a pumpkin word bank.
During the October Month your students are sure to want to write
about pumpkins. A word bank will come in handy.

You could make your own as seen to the left or you could order the October through November CD and print and use the ones seen. To learn more about this CD go to:

For More Pumpkin Ideas and Resource, please visit the link below!

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