September 20, 2024

Back To School Yum 2011

Last year I made the crayons below for a BAck To School get together I host…

You can view how to make these here… 

This year, it was all about the apples…

These are just brownies with red icing and green for the stem. 

There above is my attempt at a Rice Krispie Apple…  I saw the idea at Nothing But Country.  I followed the recipe here, except I added a pack of Cherry Kolaid to the Melted mix for a darker red color.  I also doubled it and got about 20 apples total from 2 batches. 

These were lots of fun to make.  My daughter did say, “Mommy, you made Pumpkins!”  and my son thought they were strawberries…  LOL!!!   I guess if they were orange, they could be pumpkins…but strawberries?  What do you think…  Do they look like apples?