March 10, 2025

Pink Activities for Pinkalicious Fans!!!

If your child is A Pinkalicious Fan and has read a few of the books with Pinkalicious in them, then they will love to be creative with this Pinkalicious workbook of fun (Pinkadoodles).  Over 100 pages of fun Pinkalicious activities.  This isn’t your average workbook.  It’s a pink book of creativity.  The first activity asks you to THINK PINK (child traces the letters) and then to fill in the blanks…  My favorite color is______!  My Birthday is_____.  My favorite doll is names _______.  Another page shows a pink heart and tell the reader to draw something pinkerrific in the heart.  Keep turning the pages and you will come to a page that asks you to draw your family.  Another page asks you to list your favorite colors.  Keep turning and you will find a page with Pinkalicious and Peter on it for you to color and to fill in their talking bubbles.  Other pages have the child decorate Pinkalicious room, draw yourself jumping with Pinkalicious, put the missing vowels in a sentence to make a word, finish the picture of Pinkalicious and make her angry…  There are Pinkalicious mazes, connect the dots, and a few blank pink pages to do whatever you want with.  Some of the pages ask the child to finish a sentence with a word; thus I would suggest that a child in first grade could work on this independently.  I have helped my Pre-K child work through some of the pages with assistance.  Some she can do on her own after I read the directions.  Some pages she needs assistance with.  A Pre-k to K child would need some assistance to work through this book.  First and second graders should be able to do these pages independently.  Have a Pinkalicious time thinking outside the lines with this fun activity book! 


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