What I so love about the blogging world/ website world is all the sharing that goes around over the Holidays. There are so many wonderful ideas being shared by so many creative people. Here are some that recently caught my attention!!!
Love a fun Count Down! Here is a great way to Count Down with your Kids! Download the free printables at it is what it is
My girlfriend made a ribbon wreath similar to the one seen below… I Love, love, love this Polka dot Ribbon Wreath from She’s {kinda} Crafty
Celebrate with SuperChick as she shares five FREE printables for Thanksgiving that she found on the Web!
Fiskar’s table with a the pie snack holder and paper bag drumstick is to die for, at least I think so!
Ok, what lucky kids to have this as the kids table… Frog Prince Paperie’s shares this o-so lovely kids’ table.
Yes, I have some of my own past ideas to share today…
For Your Older Kids (age 6 to 9), Roll a Grocery List to Make Pumpkin Pie Game off The Teaching Heart Thanksgiving Packet which is emailed to you in less than 24 hours after you place the order. Filled with lots of fun for Thanksgiving!!! Keep them busy while you cook. My son even plays this by himself.

My son had fun with this pumpkin Pie Rhyme Center. You match the whip topping to the piece of pie. He loved doing this on his own and then I could check his work when he was done. This is a printable from the Teaching Heart Thanksgiving Packet. You can see more by clicking here!

Hope you have found a few ideas to start your Thanksgiving fun!

Hi! Thx a bunch for including my blog post in your fab treasury! HUGS!
Genevieve (AKA Superchick!)
What cute ideas!!! I might have to use a few of them to keep the kids busy during all the cooking.