March 28, 2025

Summer Starts on Tuesday!!!

My summer officially starts on Tuesday!  The last day of school in these parts is Monday.  Then the kids hop off the bus, we squirt them with silly string, they head over to the End of the Year Sundae shop and the first summer fun event begins.  I hope to post more details about the ice cream party later.  I am deep into creating a fun event for my neighborhood and hopefully I will get some good pictures of the fun things we do at our Ice Cream party!

I have so many grand plans for the summer.  I don’t want to spend too much time at home.  There are old and new parks to visit.  Old friends to play with and so many fun things to do.  I can hardly sit still thinking about all we need to fit in between bible camp, princess dance camp, library classes, and soccer camp.  Will there be enough time?   Luckily, nap time is not part of the days agenda anymore… so we have to fit it in!!  I will be tired and ready for school when August rolls around…  My kids will be begging to go back just to get a rest from their crazy mom who just can’t imagine waisting the summer at home. 

I have a few more days to get a few things in place before the summer race of fun begins…  Library books are selected, End of Year Neighborhood party is pretty much planned, and my garage is stacked with summer fun toys.  Still, I have to work on a chore/responsibility summer fun money type of chart for my son.  That is the one thing I have procrastinated on…  but I did a search and liked these a bunch!! 

DIY Magnetic Chore Chart!

Chore Charts and Pocket Money

Chore Chart

This is probably most what I am looking for…
Chore Chart and Kids Bucks

Aren’t they grand… now  to tweak and twist and make these into what I am looking for….  I will share my magical creation later…  stay tuned!!!  My son told me today:  “I can’t wait till you show me the plan and chart for how I am raising money this summer.  You have it done, right?”  Me:  “Of course, I will show you on Tuesday…”  UGH!!!!!!! 

Check out these links to get your summer off rolling right!

Is your Summer Junk Organized?

Outside Toys – Some ideas!
Play and Learn at the Park!

Look at what you can do with Sidewalk Chalk!!!

Beach Balls are more than just Balls!

I hope you have a wonderful start to your summer!

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3 thoughts on “Summer Starts on Tuesday!!!

  1. I can't wait to rock the parks and pools! We need to squeeze some workouts in there too! My head is spinning thinking of all of the possiblities.

  2. Can't wait to see you at the park!
    But you're right, by August we will all be ready for school so we can get some rest. 😉

  3. I am so excited about the summer too…and spending many fun days with my kiddos. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! 🙂

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