March 3, 2025

Moooooo…. It’s Monday!

Happy Monday!  It’s been about 10 weeks since I started my work-out craziness / clean eating experiment.  I feel great.  I am seeing results and I am so much stronger than 10 weeks ago.  Yeah, me! 

I am going to be running the SOLD OUT GW Parkway Classic 10 miles in 40 days.  ME?  Oh, my!  Craziness!  I haven’t run a race since college and that was a 5K.  I didn’t even train for the thing – I just ran it.  I was also 40 pounds lighter.  So here I am, somewhat lighter than 10 weeks ago when I started training…  but still carrying quite a lot and hoping to loose more before race day to make it easier on the knees. 

I can finally understand why people get addicted to running.  I have noticed that I get a little crazy about getting my three training runs in a week.  Now I am looking more at my time for each mile rather than thinking about how many miles I have left to go.  I enjoy seeing how fast I can go and how can long I can last.  I use to want to puke thinking about running, let alone running 10 miles, but now I am getting excited and curious about the race.  Through training I have shown myself that with hard work, I will make progress.  I now know after running seven miles last week that I can get to ten miles, no problem.  Still anxious about my first real race (not that I will be racing against anyone…  just want to finish without walking or puking or killing-over). 

So, what makes me feel better about something I am wondering about???  A good old GOOGLE search which made me surf these fine websites/blogs about the race.   I found these two great reviews of the race.

This week:
Monday – Boot camp + 2 mile run
Tues. Boot Camp
Wed. 7 Mile Run
Thurs. Boot Camp
Fri – 4 Mile Run – 1 mile walk
Sat. – Boot Camp

I won a free boot camp this weekend… so I have six more weeks of camp.  YEAH!!!  This is working for me… 

Weight Loss –

Yes, I realize I did not report a total weight loss that last few Mondays. I am planning on doing that once a month rather than weekly. Next week I will share inches lost as well as weight.

Check out these inspirational women who have lost the pounds… I love reading these stories..

More Great Links I Surfed Upon This Week!

Running for Weight Loss – 5 top eating tips

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