February 8, 2025

Party Table Setting Idea & Christmas Sharing…

Did you have a Merry Christmas? I surely hope all my Teaching Heart visitors and blog readers had a Merry Christmas filled with friends, family, faith, love, and good eats and drinks! I sure did. We go away every other year to Vermont and stay home every other year. I enjoy going to Vermont but nothing will ever beat being in your own home Christmas AM. It was a wonderful Christmas in our house. I am very thankful to God for my families many blessings. I pray in 2010 we will continued to be blessed and that God will show us how we can share our blessings we have been given with others.

Now, we are all trying to stop eating junk (cookies, candy, large meals, eggnog, beer…). It’s hard work, but I am starting to feel a little bigger than I was a week ago and that’s not good. I guess it’s time for my annual New Years resolution of losing my almost four year old pregnancy weight… Maybe this will be the year I do it!?!? O-my! Enough of that!

Just a few things to share about Holiday fun in our home.

I will start with my Christmas Eve table setting. I showed you how to do the napkin rings here. They were loved by all and it made it easy for everyone to find their seats after they filled their plates with appetizers (I did an all appetizer dinner).

Also, at each seat was a small gift bag. On the gift bag was the name of the person and words that described the person. I had each family member email me one word to describe each family member. I then typed the describing words above each person’s name. I printed out tags and put them on gift bags. Inside the bags was a Christmas wish for the person. The Christmas wish was a wish from the person who was buying for that person in the gift exchange. My kiddos also colored tiny Christmas icons that were inside each bag.
It was a cute conversation starter. Once everyone was seated I had everyone go around and read the words family had used to describe each other. There was lots of laughs. You can see my bag above… Goof-ball is the word I am most proud of.
Then each person found their wish in the bag and we each went around and read those. You can see an example wish above. My kiddos even enjoyed these bags. Now that my son can read he was really into this. It was a fun way to start a fun night…

If you are still hungry… here was the food set-up. I forgot to take a picture until it was half way ATE.

Thirsty? This wasn’t my idea… It was my Aunt’s. Great Christmas gift for a beer drinker. Get a bunch of their favorite random beers and place in the shape of a tree outside in the Christmas snow and when they awake they can see what Santa left them outside.

The menu:
Baked Brie En Croquet and crackers, Shrimp Tray, Mini Crab Cakes and sauce,
Mini Hot Dogs, Mini Potato, Bear Bread – Cucumber Dip, Onion Blossom Dip and Fritos/Celery,
Veggie Pizza, Greek layered Dip With Pita Chips, Curry glazed meatballs, Strawberries and Bailey’s Dip, Spiked Eggnog

-Oreo Truffles -Chocolate Cheery Cheesecake – -Mint Cake – cookies of course

Happy New Year!!

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2 thoughts on “Party Table Setting Idea & Christmas Sharing…

  1. Visiting from TJ show and tell, AWESOME gingerbread house, I didn't get to make one this year!
    the Buzz,

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