March 29, 2025

Goodbye Cookies & Some Cookie Exchange Talk

This is a post I started in 2008 and never posted…. so I thought I would share it now. It’s that time when people start planning cookie exchanges.

My six year old & soon to be 3 year old, ate the last two cookies in my house today. So glad to be rid of all the cookies. I think I made about 20 dozen this year. My mom gave me an extra three dozen and a friend gave me some extra cookies too. Now, I did give away about 6 dozen altogether. We took the rest of the 20 dozen cookies I had to VT with us over the holidays and they were eaten up quickly over Christmas week. Actually, the day after Christmas all the adults ate were cookies, except for dinner.

Just when I thought the cookies were gone, my mom gave me the last three dozen of her cookies: “for the kids!” she said… We all know, that about six went to the kids and the rest my hubby and I ate. I feel sick with how much junk I ate this holiday season. So I am ready to say goodbye to the cookies and holiday snacks and start eating healthy again.

A cookie exchange is a party to swap goodies you bake with those that other guests bakeā€”so everyone takes home an assortment of homemade treats. Cookie exchanges are a great way to get a variety of cookies for your Christmas table without baking them all yourself. They also make great gifts.

This is about my fifth or sixth year of cookie exchanges. I LOVE them. I have never actually hosted one myself, but some of my friends have called me the cookie police. Maybe that is because I get kind of annoyed when people try to bring bar cookies or no bake cookies to a cookie exchange. Why should I spend three to five hours baking when they spent half the time cutting out bars or melting a pretzel to an M&M! Sorry, people… those are not true cookies. I agree the seven layer bar cookies are to die for, but you don’t even have to make a batter. They are so easy to make. Just dump, bake, cool, and cut. Not a real cookie! Real cookies have flour in them or you had to at least mix some ingredients together. If you want to make bar cookies or no-bakes then you have to rename your exchange (bar swap/no bake swap), so people don’t get disappointed… That’s just my take… but I am kinda type A.

Below are a few pics. of my past cookies. The last two years I have done sugar cookies because they always look great on a tray. But here are some other kinds I have done:

Look at how pretty they all are when you have them all out on the table… Then combine them to make a beautiful tray. You could wrap a cardboard box with Christmas paper and put a few cookies on it to give to the bus driver, teacher, or neighbor. I show you how here.

There are so many resources online for cookie exchanges… Check them out: – This really is the only site you need to plan an exchange and learn all out the cookie exchange. Robin is the cookie expert and if you are planning exchange, you must stop here first!

Check out this Virtual Cookie Exchange
Thought this was a neat twist to a cookie exchange!
Gadget Exchange Game – Fun to play at a cookie exchange.

My friend Nancy once had us play, “The Bakery Name Game” Before the party we emailed her what we would call our bakery if we had one. Guests had to guess which bakery name went with what guest. It was lots of fun. The last exchange I attended, the hostess hid Santa’s Reindeer around the house and we had to find them. She also played a fun Christmas Trivia game.
More Game Ideas Here!
Some people give awards for Best Cookie Presentation & Best Holiday outfit.
Do you do a cookie exchange? I would love to hear your tips in my comments section…

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2 thoughts on “Goodbye Cookies & Some Cookie Exchange Talk

  1. I'm wondering what the freezing rules are for making Christmas cookies. Do they REALLY stay fresh tasting if you freeze them after you make them?
    Susie in Illinois

  2. I host a cookie exchange every year. It is so fun! And I use that first link for all the planning part. I even use her rules and send them to everyone. I totally agree with all of them. Such a good time.

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