October 27, 2024

Playing Footsie with Witchie

I saw a cute craft idea over at Ramblings of a Crazy Women… I love little crafts you make out of little feet tracings and little hand tracings. I always have my kids make reindeer’s on the holidays out of their cute feet and hands. So when I ran across this craft idea, I tweaked it and made it a little different and got my kiddos to make two cute witchies from two cute footsies. Ta-da!

How to make your little Footsie Witchie

Trace your Kiddos Foot.

Draw a hat to match (or for the older one’s, let them draw the hat)

Color Both the hat and the foot black.

Cut out a green circle, Two green rectangles for arms, a red long rectangle for a stick

Use hay for the bottom of the witch’s broom

Glue it all together and add eyes and a mouth. The kids had Halloween stickers and gave the witch something to hold in her other hand.

Don’t forget to write your kiddos name and age on the back. Pack them away with your Halloween decor and get them out every Halloween and play Footsie with the Witchie. Put your kiddos feet on the witch each year to see if they have grown!

Hey have you read Room on The Broom yet? This would be a fun read before or after you do this craft. Here is a fun idea to match that story and that would go along with this craft.