September 19, 2024

Daddy Birthday Poem

My favorite man turned 36 the other night… The kids had fun making the hand print frame above. They both made a hand print and selected a favorite picture to place on the frame… I wrote the poem and printed it on a printable overlay:

Ten fingers waving to say, “Yeah!”
Our Daddy is 36 today!

C says, I love Daddy to play horsey with me!
Z says, Daddy and I love watching the Penguins and Crosby!

Daddy, our hands will continue to grow and bigger we will get.
Still we will always love you more than you can ever bet.

Hold us always in your thoughts and remember when we are apart,
You can look up and see our hands and know you hold our hearts.

— Something for Daddy to display at wok and it was fun and easy to make!