March 28, 2025

Have You Filled A Bucket Today Giveaway # 12

A must read book on my list is Have You Filled a Bucket Today. I think every teacher should have this book in their classroom and every parent should read this book to their kiddos. I blogged about it here.

Through simple prose and vivid illustrations, this heartwarming book encourages positive behavior as children see how rewarding it is to express daily kindness, appreciation, and love. This book explains to children that we all carry an invisible bucket in which we keep our feelings about ourselves. When our buckets are full, we are happy; when they are empty, we are sad. It is important to know that we can fill our own bucket and so can others. We fill buckets by saying nice things to the people around us. We fill buckets by doing nice things for people.

Pre K to first grade students really understand this “bucket thing”! I have used it with my own children and they now get it! They know when they are bucket dipping or filling the buckets of others. I have seen the book used in PreK and Kindergarten classrooms and the kids really get the concept of being kind through the ideas in this book.

Today you can win this book for home or your classroom.

You must be a follower or sign up now to follow this blog. In the comments section leave your email. Tell me about someone who fills you bucket. All entries must be in August 14th. One Entry per person. Come back August 17th to see if you won!

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12 thoughts on “Have You Filled A Bucket Today Giveaway # 12

  1. I'm a follower! And I would say my sister fills my bucket. She's my best friend. Thanks for the chance! alicedemskehansen at

  2. I've not read this book. It sounds great!!! I would love to share it with my kindergarten class and see what a difference it can make. My family fills my bucket. I have 3 daughters/son-in-laws, 7 grandchildren, both parents still living, a 92 year old grandmother who love to shop with me, and a great husband. They all live really close and are wonderful examples of God's love! I'm so proud of them all!

  3. I have not read this book but it sounds great! If I don't win I am planning to check it out! I would have to say the Lord fills my bucket each and every day for which I am grateful.

    Thanks for all the giveaways!

  4. This book sounds great. It's one I'm actually not familiar with. My husband and my son fill my bucket each and every day. They are always making me smile and laugh!

  5. This book would be excellent to show the children with special needs about 'filling each other's buckets'! They would so understand this better since it's something solid they could see. Great visual tool! My son with autism is the person who fills my bucket the most. He amazes me every day!

  6. My former boss had us place a bucket in our boxes in the workroom we were to fill each other's buckets daily with kind word. it was a neat and I think it would be great to do with my students. My husband fills my bucket with his support while I have gone back to college to get my masters.

  7. I love this book! My daughter fills my bucket. When I am having a bad day she knows exactly what to do make me laugh. She loves the fact that I am a teacher and wants to help out in my classroom. I love spending time with her.


  8. Oh this is easy… my husband fills my bucket everyday!
    He comes across as gruff to most people, but to me, he's my big teddy bear!

  9. I soooooooooooooo want this book!!! I have not read it or read it to my classroom, and I really want to do it with them! My adult daughters fill my bucket with their kind comments to me and affirmations of my skills! So, pick me, pick me..I really want this book!

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