February 8, 2025

All Good Things Must Come to an End!

I love to party!!! All good parties have to end and this is it folks. Our back to school party has been tons of fun. I have had a blast reading your comments and posting some awesome giveaways. I look forward to many happy, happy people on the 17th of August.

One last giveaway and the party is over. 🙁
This is for a packet of super back to school goodies… You get…
Small red pocket chart, Teaching Heart CDROM for Oct.-Dec., Phonics Flash Cards, Star Student Stickers, Cute Letter Paper Clips from Office Depot (My favorite back to school supply stop), and A Sight Words DVD

How to enter. This one requires a little work. Only one entry per person. You entry must include all of the details below. All entries must be in by August 14th.
a.)List your favorite giveaway for the week. The one you want to win the most.
b.)Find a post on my blog that you have not made a comment on. It cannot be a giveaway post. On the post you find, make a comment there.
c.) At http://www.teachingheart.net/ find the URL for The CDROMS index page and include the address for the link in your post.
d.) Tell me if you knew about the Teaching Heart Mom BLOG before this contest or if you just found out about it during the contest.
e.) How long have you know about Teaching Heart the website http://www.teachingheart.net/ ?
f.) Do you know what Teaching Heart was called before it became Teaching Heart?
You don’t have to get f. right I just want to see who gets the answer right first. Give it your best shot!

So your comment would look something like:
a.) Walmart Card
c.) http://www.teachingheart.net/….. (yours would have the correct address, I don’t want to make it too easy)
d.) I have been following the blog for about a month
e.) I have been visiting http://www.teachingheart.net/ since 1999.
f.) Of course I know what it was called and wonder who else does???
Good luck and thanks for coming to the party!

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13 thoughts on “All Good Things Must Come to an End!

  1. a.) my favorite giveaway of the week is the book signed by the author, I LOVE BOOKS

    b.) I made a comment on your http://teachingheartmom.blogspot.com/search/label/about%20me

    c.) http://www.teachingheart.net/primaryteachertimesaver.html

    d.) I have been following the blog since about the first day you started it

    e.) I have been visiting http://www.teachingheart.net/ since 2002.

    f.) I had no idea you had a different name at one time, but now I'm curious

    This was the greatest, most fun contest ever!!! You continue to amaze me!
    Susie LaBelle

  2. a.)I would have to say the walmart gc. it would really come in handy to pick up those last minute supplies!
    b.)I commented on your Facebook posthttp://teachingheartmom.blogspot.com/2009/02/should-i-give-up-facebook-for-lent.html

    c.) http://www.teachingheart.net/primaryteachertimesaver.html
    d.) Yes I did.

    e.) I'm guessing about a year or so? can't remember how i found you but glad i did!
    f.) no idea??

  3. A) They really all are great… I love children's books and can never have enough so those would great but also this giveaway with the Sight Words DVD – I have heard great things about them!
    B) Made comment on http://teachingheartmom.blogspot.com/search/label/around%20the%20house
    C) Hope this is what you were wanting. http://teachingheart.net/primaryteachertimesaver.html
    D) I knew about the Teaching Heart Mom Blog for about 6 months or so… could be longer?!
    E) I found teachingheart.net while searching for fun, educational things I could do with my kids. So it's been over 6 months and very happy I found it.
    F) No idea of the previous name… Loving Mom who enjoys Teaching! 🙂

    Thanks for all the giveaways!

  4. a. I would love to win the basket of back to school goodies and CD ROM of choice.

    b. I posted a message on teachingmom.blogspot.com/search/label/booksback to school
    c. The URL is teachingheart.net/primaryteachertimesavers.html

    d. I did not know about all your blogs, glad I do now.

    e. I have been looking at your site since 2000.

    f. No, I don't
    Thanks for a great week,
    Tina Parent

  5. 1. favorite giveaway this weeks is the scholastic dvd's

    2. left you a comment at http://teachingheartmom.blogspot.com/2009/08/healthy-colorful-yum-for-your-grill.html

    3.cd rom url

    4. I knew about Teaching Heart Mom blog before this contest. I learned about it last fall and that's when I became a follower.

    5. Learned about Teaching Heart website the same time I learned about the blog. (Oct. 2008) Thanks to facebook I became familiar with both.

    6.Hmmmmm……I don't know what it was called before. How about "Teachers & Moms Rock!" (lol)

    (I hope I followed all instructions. If not, just let me know. You're tough!)

    It was a fun, fun, week at Teaching Heart Mom!!

  6. a)I would most like to win the Lots of Back to School Goodies giveaway.
    b)I made a comment on your http://teachingheartmom.blogspot.com/2008/07/bowling-birthday-cake.html post.
    c)CDROM Index http://www.teachingheart.net/primaryteachertimesaver2.html
    d)I've read other blog posts here for many months now but just became a follower during this contest.
    e)I've known of the website http://www.teachingheart.net for many years. I believe it may have been 2005 or 2006, around the time I began to homeschool my son with autism.
    f)I believe Teaching Heart was once called Teaching Is A Work Of Heart.

  7. Hi! Once again I would like to thank you for the week of fun and giveaways. This is great and I plan to be back for more!
    a) I would love to win the 3 Set DVD's from Scholastic.
    b) I posted a comment on teachingheartmom.blogspot.com/2008/07/Booksbacktoschool.html – The Kissing Hand and other back to school books.
    c) http://www.teachingheart.net/primaryteachertimesaver.html is the place to find the CD's
    d) I have not been to your blog spot before but I will now!
    e) I have been to teaching heart website and have been a member since 2005
    f) and I believe your website was once called 'Teaching is a work of Heart'
    =) cathyc119@yahoo.com

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